
Morketing每日监测8.13:腾讯Q2社交广告收入152.62亿元;微软六成员工反对收购TikTok;内衣品牌奶糖派获 900 万元天使轮融资;

Rita Zeng  · 2020-08-13 08:30

【摘要】 每日营销资讯

「Morketing·营销人早报」由Morketing Group出品,专门为营销人提供的每日早报,每日早8点整更新,围绕全球移动互联网、数字营销、广告主动态、互联网流量平台、服务机构、精彩案例,及全球营销趋势观察等展开,每天精选15-20条相关新闻,其中还包含5条海外新闻。









内衣品牌奶糖派获 900 万元天使轮融资

8 月 11 日,内衣品牌奶糖派宣布完成 900 万元天使轮融资,投资方为合享资本、高飞基金。本轮融资将被用于品牌扩张。

奶糖派成立于 2015 年,是国内首个专门为 C 罩杯以上的大胸女性设计内衣的品牌,同时品牌提出分胸型设计内衣的概念,将胸型和尺码结合,让内衣更贴合大胸女性的身体曲线。



kate spade宣布宋妍霏为品牌代言人

美国轻奢品牌kate spade new york宣布演员宋妍霏为品牌代言人,并同步于中国官方线上商城发售CC STYLE解锁心“霏”限定礼盒 。


LVMH旗下奢侈珠宝品牌宝格丽将与日本潮牌AMBUSH合作,预计在9月推出蛇头手袋Serpenti Forever Bag、钱包以及皮革挂饰、手环等产品。


















































近日,海蓝之谜LA MER 携手好莱坞传奇女星刘玉玲,揭秘全新浓缩精华。在这支广告中,刘玉玲立足自己演员与画家的双重身份,自述艺术创作与表达的灵感源泉。





交通银行信用卡洞察到年轻人个性化的多样需求,携手 CCE 跨界影视、动漫、美食、游戏等多个领域带来青年卡系列,并以“多样青年 交个朋友”为主题,带来十支趣味概念短片,通过不同的生活场景,来呈现年轻人的消费场景与观念。








2020年7月成功出海的中国手游TOP30:国际版“吃鸡”PUBG MOBILE收入第一


Sensor Tower公布了2020年7月中国手游产品在海外市场收入及下载量排名TOP30。出海收入Top30榜单中,国际版“吃鸡"《PUBG MOBILE》排名第一,唯一新面孔是乐易网络旗下西部牛仔主题SLG手游《West Game》。出海下载量Top30榜单上的两款新游分别为《Idle Arks》和《Pocket Sniper!》。






Now that TikTok has until September 20th to sell its U.S. operations or face the consequences of President Trump’s executive order signed late last Thursday, media buyers are stalling client marketing investment on the platform.


Prior to the executive order, “many advertisers were staying cautiously optimistic,” about TikTok’s ability to continue to operate in the U.S., according to Meghan Rao, account director at NXD Social. “But with everything so up in the air until the end of September, our plan is to hold off and recommend other platforms to use until we figure out what the next steps are for TikTok.”


While media buyers say that they are still optimistic that a sale will likely happen in time to keep the service operational in the U.S. and an option an option for dollars, they say that advertisers will likely test out TikTok competitors like Triller and now Instagram’s Reels. “No one is rushing to commit Q4 budgets” to TikTok, said one media buyer.


“Brands constantly want new content being created, so they’re doubling down on existing channels that are more stable,” said Franky Bernstein, CEO of shopping app Kickback. “We spend a lot of time with content creators and we’re focusing our efforts on Instagram because there’s more certainty that the investment in those followers will be worthwhile come September.”


For advertisers currently running campaigns on TikTok, buyers say it’s likely that they will continue with those campaigns rather than pull dollars away from the platform as there’s enough time between now and mid-September to keep those running. And last month’s Facebook dust up has likely made marketers more comfortable with moving social platform budgets on a dime.




Ads.txt has been a standard for several years now and has become something that we take for granted.


That’s a good thing, as it speaks to how easy it is to use, but masks a downside: too many publishers aren’t thinking about the ramifications of their actions when they add records to their file. For ads.txt to continue to be a strong fraud-fighting standard, it requires a lot more active management by publishers.


For many publishers, managing their ads.txt file isn’t something they think about at all. A revenue partner asks to have some new entries added, and the publisher does it. That simple process is rarely the right approach. A publisher’s ads.txt file is not only a strong defense against fraud but also one of the best marketing signals to buyers.


The benefits of a well-maintained ads.txt


While far from perfect, a well-maintained ads.txt file is a significant part of reducing fraud and defending your own revenue.


IAS和Channel Factory发布了一项新工具,旨在优化和管理品牌在YouTube投放的广告


Integral Ad Science and Channel Factory, a brand suitability and ad performance platform for YouTube, released a joint product on Wednesday that combines content curation with optimization and measurement for YouTube campaigns.


The product, dubbed Channel Science (a portmanteau of their names), is generally available, but only on a manual basis for now. The companies are working together to develop APIs for a self-serve version.


Both IAS and Channel Factory are newly-minted members of the YouTube Measurement Program.


The idea to join forces on the product came from marketers looking for more efficient ways to plan and manage brand safety and suitability for their YouTube campaigns. Usually, marketers need to strike partnerships with multiple companies to figure out which channels to run against, how to maximize performance and validate the campaign.


“We were hearing from marketers that they want seamless control over the contexts in which their YouTube campaigns appear and they want to be able to make better-informed media investment decisions based on contextual data signals,” said IAS CEO Lisa Utzschneider. “We did this with a vision to have everything packaged into a single solution.”




The continued loosening of restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic has brought more optimism and more concerns to owners of small and midsized businesses, according to the second wave of the Global State of Small Business Report, released by Facebook Wednesday.


Facebook also shared data specific to the U.S., with highlights including:


82% of SMBs led by women and 84% led by men reported that they were operational or engaging in revenue-generating activities, up from 71% and 83%, respectively, in May.

46% of SMBs that were operational reported that their sales in the past month were lower than in the same month last year, down from 62% in May.

22% of operational SMBs reduced headcount as a result of Covid-19.

48% of operational SMBs said 25% or more of their sales were made digitally in the past month, down slightly from 50% in May.

63% were optimistic about the future of their businesses, down slightly from 65% in May.

12% of SMBs that were closed attributed it primarily to financial challenges, up from 9% in May.

17% of SMBs that were not receiving financial assistance said it was not available to them, up from 11% in May, while 23% of SMBs said they were receiving some form of financial support, with

34% of that group getting that support via government loans.




Media owners with diversified revenue lines were best-positioned to weather the coronavirus crisis as it continued into the summer.


Earnings reports for the June quarter reveal the extent to which the advertising market plummeted — with many media owners reporting double-digit revenue declines. Meanwhile, subscription businesses saw an uptick as consumers sought out original news and streaming content. The macroeconomic environment is anything but predictable at the moment, but most media owners began reporting a rebound in revenue in July.


Digiday analyzed the latest quarterly earnings reports, calls and public statements from the world’s largest global media companies to assess how they’re adapting to the ongoing crisis.


News Corp: Ad revenue dip

The latest quarter marked yet another challenging period for news publishers. News Corp reported a 22% drop in revenue in its fiscal fourth quarter, which reflected an estimated $330 million in negative impact — or 13% — to the coronavirus crisis. (A further $63 million — or 7% — impact came from the divestiture of its News America Marketing business.) The company reported a net loss of $401 million in the quarter, compared to a $42 million loss the prior year.



The New York Times: Digital revenue overtakes print

Late last month, The New York Times announced its COO Meredith Kopit Levien would succeed Mark Thompson as the company’s CEO. Both executives have helped steer the company through its digital transformation and, in the second quarter, its digital revenue overtook its print revenue for the first time.









