

Rita Zeng  · 2023-06-30 10:07

【摘要】 每日营销资讯











近日,百事公司董事长兼CEO龙嘉德(Ramon Laguarta)访问中国,并在社交媒体发文分享行程感受。龙嘉德表示,与消费者、零售商和重要合作伙伴的每一次互动,都让他更深刻地认识到亚太地区团队致力于发展业务、满足消费者需求和改善地球的决心。此外,他向百事公司亚太地区首席执行官陈文渊和中国、泰国和日本全体百事同事表达感谢。



英国《金融时报》6月29日消息,广告业人士要求YouTube提供巨额退款,此前一项新的研究表明,YouTube上数百万条广告被投放到用户的视野之外。数字广告分析机构Adalytics对YouTube的 “TrueView”系统进行了研究。在该系统下,YouTube平台的20多亿用户可以在观看广告5秒后跳过广告。





快手娱乐启动暑期计划 聚焦明星、剧情两大方向



美国新闻网站Semafor消息称,TikTok计划最快下月在其美国版应用程序中推出在线零售商店,与亚马逊、Shein和Temu等电子商务平台直接竞争。据悉,新商店将有别于TikTok现有的TikTok Shop电商功能,即品牌商支付少量佣金在该平台上销售其产品。作为计划的一部分,TikTok正为建立自家库存采购,并将处理物流和客户服务等事宜。知情人士称,在该商店销售的大多数商品将来自中国制造商。(界面新闻)


拎着 Gucci 的Marsper :从典藏展里走出来的中国潮玩

国内原创潮玩Marsper,最近发布与Gucci的最新合作系列,这也是双方继2021年后再度牵手。以前不久刚刚开启的Gucci Cosmos《寰宇古驰》典藏展中的 4 套经典典藏造型为灵感,Gucci与Marsper共同打造了 4 款设计,它们分别是条纹 Marsper、丝绒 Marsper、双 G Marsper 以及披风 Marsper。



6 月 29 日,喜茶携手周星驰的经典电影作品《喜剧之王》发布联名,带来“初恋瓜瓜甘露”,邀请消费者品尝星爷同款初恋茶。







1. 柔性电池。传统的刚性电池可能很快就会过时,因为由可以弯曲、折叠和拉伸的轻质材料制成的薄型柔性电池即将进入市场。

2. 生成式人工智能。今年的列表中不得不提到生成式人工智能。这是一种新型人工智能,通过学习大规模数据集生成新的原创内容,在2022年底因ChatGPT发布而引起了公众广泛关注。

3. 可持续航空燃料。航空业每年产生全球2%至3%的碳排放。

4. 工程噬菌体。噬菌体是有选择性感染特定类型细菌的病毒。

5. 改善心理健康的元宇宙。针对不断加重的心理健康危机,产品开发者正在开始构建共享虚拟空间来改善心理健康。

6. 可穿戴植物传感器。传统上监测大型农场依赖人工土壤测试和视觉观察,而无人机和卫星在这方面已经带来了革命性的变化。

7. 空间组学。通过将先进的成像技术与DNA测序的特异性相结合,空间组学可以让科学家在细胞内的分子水平上“观察”生物过程。

8. 柔性神经电子学。脑机接口能让大脑与外部计算机直接进行通信,在医学和神经科学领域将有潜力改变人类健康状况,如癫痫、抑郁症或瘫痪的治疗。

9. 可持续计算。数据中心消耗全球产电量的约1%。如今,多种技术相互交织,使零能耗数据中心成为可能。

10. 人工智能辅助医疗。从诊断到药物设计,人工智能被广泛誉为改善医疗的推动者。



The PMax phenom

Two weeks ago, at the We Make Future conference in Remini, Italy, Pierpaolo Morgante, a Microsoft Advertising senior client solutions manager, touted in a presentation that the group is “building our own version of Performance Max” to launch this summer. (H/t Mike Ryan of the consultancy Smarter Ecommerce for clocking it.)

Google probably isn’t pleased that its product’s name, “Performance Max,” has become a general shorthand for black box ad products that walled gardens use to centralize media and data, while reporting little to no data back to advertisers.

But almost every large platform has its version of “Performance Max.”

TikTok’s is called Smart Performance Campaigns, while Meta has Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns (ASC). Microsoft Advertising is in testing and hasn’t floated a product name aside from “our own version of Performance Max.”

Why are they all doing it? Because the “Performance Max” approach takes the walled garden model a step further by giving the platform control over targeting, measurement and creative, and by combining multiple media channels into one black box. Rather than constantly tuned campaigns based on specific audience or behavioral niches, the advertiser’s campaign controls become the rates they set for cost-per-conversion metrics, the creative they upload to the system and sometimes broad audience or geographic targets.

“Just switch it on at a click of a button in your ad group settings and Microsoft will use your existing assets to find the right audiences for your campaigns,” according to a Microsoft Advertising blog post last week introducing Predictive Targeting, the group’s first ad tech product with native AI integrations.

The biggie platforms are clearly all-in on machine learning-based advertising. The question is whether machine learning technology is ready for primetime?

Machine Unlearning

Google’s PMax is the pioneer of ad platform AI products, but Meta ASC is the one to watch.

ASC is a bellwether for whether other platforms – everyone is already claiming to have their own “PMax” – will be able to pull off the same trick.

That’s because Meta is full-steam ahead with ASC and machine learning is taking over its ad platform, despite setbacks and even flagrant red flags.


One of the attractions of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is getting a sophisticated web analytics tool free. However, there are a lot of other analytics tools that can compete with it in both features and price. Here’s a list of the best known.

Matomo is an open-source analytics platform that provides similar features to Google Analytics. It offers real-time analytics, customizable dashboards and detailed reports. Matomo also provides users with complete control over their data and offers a range of privacy features. It is one of the most popular Google Analytics alternatives. It is free if hosted on your servers.

Piwik PRO is a commercial spinoff of Matomo. The main differences are enterprise-level support and the integration of a customer data platform. Like Matomo, it has an integrated privacy consent manager. It has free and paid plans.

Clicky is a flash-free, real-time analytical platform that is easy to use and records and tracks user actions in detail. It offers features like heat mapping, backlink analysis, and mobile compatibility. Clicky has a free option and four paid options.

Heap is best suited for online products and lets you measure every interaction on your website, including swipes, clicks, tabs, form submissions and page views. It also offers retroactive analytics, which allows you to examine the impact of changes to your website or app. Heap offers both free and paid plans.

Clarity from Microsoft focuses on users interacting with your website. It summarizes information in a convenient dashboard and provides data like rage clicks and excessive scrolling, which could indicate user frustration. Clarity also offers session recording features, which can help you get insight into user behavior. Clarity is free.


When responding to questions about AI replacing humans in certain roles, most “experts” claim that AI will replace some jobs but will be a much more valuable tool for augmenting human intelligence and ability. What if they are wrong? 

In all of the hype associated with this latest technology wave, a significant trend is occurring across industries that could significantly change the impact of AI — the retirement of the knowledge worker. 

We need not look further than the last wave of intelligent technology — the “Internet of Things” (IoT) to see the impact.

What past waves of intelligent technology tell us

The term “Internet of Things” was coined in 1999 by computer scientist Kevin Ashton. While working at Procter & Gamble, Ashton proposed putting radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips on products to track them through a supply chain.

“Machines talking to machines” started rolling out in early to mid-2010, making their way into manufacturing, precision agriculture, complex information networks and for consumers in a new wave of wearables. 

Now, having about a decade of experience in how IoT has impacted certain industries and markets, perhaps it can give us some interesting insights into the future of AI. 

Cisco launched the “Tomorrow Starts Here” IoT campaign in 2010, at a time when communication networks were transitioning from hardware “stacks” to software development networks (SDN). 

The change meant that for carriers to expand their bandwidth, they no longer needed to “rip and replace” hardware. They only needed to upgrade the software. This transition began the era of machines monitoring their performance and communicating with each other, with the promise of one day producing self-healing networks.

Over this same period, network engineers who ushered in the transition from analog to digital began retiring. These experienced knowledge workers are often replaced by technicians who understand the monitoring tools but not necessarily how the network works. 

Networks have grown in complexity over the last dozen years to include cellular, with the number of connections growing exponentially. To help manage this complexity, numerous monitoring tools have been developed and implemented. 

The people on the other end reading the alerts see the obvious but have difficulty interpreting the issue or what to prioritize. The reason? The tool knows there is an issue but is not smart enough yet to know how to fix it or if it will take care of itself. Technicians end up chasing “ghost tickets,” alerts that have resolved themselves, resulting in lost productivity. 

The same thing is repeating itself in marketing today. As one CMO told me, “I can find people who know the technologies all day long, but what I can’t find is someone who thinks strategically. Ask a marketing manager to set up the tools and run a campaign and they have no problem, but ask them to write a compelling value proposition or offer for the campaign and they will struggle.” 

It’s easy to get sucked into the tools. AI generators are really intriguing and can do some amazing things. But based on what we have seen, the tools are not smart enough to fully deliver on their promise… yet.









