
Morketing每日监测8.13:瑞幸官宣刘亦菲为全球品牌代言人;成毅成为敷尔佳全球品牌代言人;小红书 × 三联生活周刊请你写「恋爱指南」

CD  · 2024-08-13 09:20

【摘要】 每日营销早报


王老吉 × 必胜客祝你「吉时必爽」

夏日炎炎,酷暑难耐。近日,王老吉联动必胜客发布 2 款夏日新品「王老吉暴打柠檬茶」与「王老吉暴打美式」,以「三花三草一叶」的草本王老吉为引,分别加入香水柠檬与 LAVAZZA 咖啡豆,为大家带来独特的三伏修养体验。目前,2 款饮品皆已上线全国必胜客门店。


8 月 10 日,敷尔佳官宣成毅为全球品牌代言人。作为演员,成毅以坚韧塑造角色风骨,用初心镌刻梦想新篇;正如敷尔佳匠心研发、内外兼修,只为守护美丽,见证光芒闪耀 。未来,二者将携手并进共赴佳期,让世界见证中国之美,开启一场「内外兼修」的肌肤修护之旅。

Gucci 全新女装系列形象大片表达新优雅

近日,Gucci 发布 2024 秋冬女装系列广告形象大片,创作总监 Sabato De Sarno 融合品牌特色与现代美学,发掘每位女性独特的自我风格,通过对动作、表情的刻画,给予细微差别充分的表达空间,从而强化人物与时装之间的对话。


在万众瞩目的 2024 圣地亚哥国际动漫展(SDCC)开幕首日,乐高集团官宣即将推出乐高® 超级马力欧™ 系列的全新玩具套装——超级马力欧世界:马力欧和耀西(71438)。这款套装不仅向任天堂的经典电子游戏《超级马力欧世界》致敬,还首次将备受欢迎的耀西角色以 2D 乐高积木的形式呈现给全球粉丝。


8 月 11 日,瑞幸咖啡正式官宣刘亦菲为全球品牌代言人及茶饮首席推荐官,同步推广瑞幸首款轻茉莉 · 轻乳茶。据悉,该款轻乳茶继承了轻乳茶全系「4 个 0」的健康理念,配方干净无负担。品牌也将于近日大力推广「上午咖啡下午茶」概念,即日起,全国 2 万店在下午 4 点后,将为用户提供 9.9 元下午茶,丰富下午到晚间,非咖啡高峰期的饮品菜单,给消费者更多选择。




华为 × SKULLPANDA 带你畅游音波星球

近日,华为与泡泡玛特旗下热门 IP SKULLPANDA 携手,共同推出了华为 FreeBuds 6i 联名款真无线耳机,为年轻消费者带来了全新的潮酷聆听体验。

天猫向世界介绍 56 套民族高定

七夕源起乞巧,寓意祈求古代女子向神明智慧灵巧,56 个民族亦有着丰富多样的织造工艺。2024 七夕之际,天猫超级品牌日联合了中央民族歌舞团、中国服装协会、时尚媒体卷宗 Wallpaper*,邀请新民族音乐人阿朵,携手老庙黄金、密扇、雅莹、野兽派、江南布衣等超级品牌,发起了《民族织造》「向世界介绍 56 套高定」超级企划,解锁百搭民族单品,一起织造民族之美。

英特尔开启奥运 AI 之旅

英特尔携手中国国家地理开启「沿着丝路到巴黎」的 AI 之旅。在飞往雅典途中王昱珩使用搭载英特尔酷睿 Ultra 的AI PC,在无网状态下,依靠终端的 AI 智能体搜索内容了解希腊与奥运的相关文化,并秒间生成精彩的行程攻略。 英特尔酷睿 Ultra AI PC,致力于伴随探索发现团队,让这段文明之旅充满智能与惊喜。


「谁说逆袭只能靠努力?我这本日记本,一键解锁霸总人生!」近日,美团 APP 首部原创自制搞笑短剧《我在日记本里逆天改命》爆笑开场。美团特邀喜剧人天放担当男主,演技松弛自然,搞笑气质到位,喜感拉满。短剧讲述了一个非典型的逆袭故事。饱受欺凌的男主天放,借助可以使写下的愿望成真的⽇记本,从保安成功逆袭成集团继承⼈。


每当养宠家庭决定出游,是否带上毛孩子就成了大问题。寄养不放心,一起出行却又没有足够的配套设施,还好网易严选看到了这个问题。这个 8 月 8 日国际猫咪日暨网易天成 88 品牌日,网易严选特别合作音乐人岳伽南 Kiyo 上线人宠友好主题曲《喵汪永相随》。用毛孩子第一人称视角,讲述入住人宠友好主题房,超出想象的尊享体验。

马斯克:大模型Grok 2测试版即将发布

马斯克在社交媒体透露,人工智能模型Grok 2测试版即将发布。马斯克去年成立人工智能初创公司xAI,今年3月时正式宣布开源3140亿参数的混合专家模型Grok 1。4月16日,xAI推出了升级版的Grok 1.5V。除了即将发布的Grok 2外,xAI的Grok 3使用了10 万块英伟达H100芯片进行训练,预计将于年底发布。


小红书 × 三联生活周刊请你写「恋爱指南」

在快节奏的现代生活中,似乎很多人只会 dating,不懂 loving。一千个人眼中有一千哈姆雷特,对「爱」来说,也有千百种定义。七夕之际,三联生活周刊联合小红书推出七夕创意短片《我的恋爱指南》,从小孩姐到爷爷奶奶,搜集到了 10-100 岁的情书,发起一次「中式浪漫」的集体告白。


恰逢 8 月 8 日全民健身日撞上四年一度的奥运,特步特别联合新华网发布主题短片《没什么跑不过》,通过邀请三位不同领域里各具特色的代表,讲述自己有关「跑步」的故事,致敬每一位奔跑中的人。







Thomas Bunn 被任命为 Zeno Group 全球首席客户影响官

Zeno Group announced the appointment of Thomas Bunn as the global chief client impact officer effective July 1. Bunn, who has served the company for eight years, will report directly to the global CEO, Barby Siegel. His nifty responsibilities include strategy, planning, creation, and data and research analysis.

With decades of diverse experience, Bunn is expected to drive growth and deliver beneficial partnerships for all client engagements. His appointment is significant because of his rich history with Zeno Group, during which he played instrumental roles in various projects and crafted Zeno’s strategic outlook.

Siegel emphasized Bunn’s significant contributions and his aptitude to uphold the firm’s commitment to its diverse client base. She expressed her confidence in his abilities to prepare the company for a rapidly evolving market.

In response, Bunn pledged to align his profound industry knowledge with the company’s ethos to enhance client satisfaction and performance.

波音公司高管布莱恩·贝桑切尼(Brian Besanceney)宣布离职

Boeing’s Senior Vice President and Chief Communication Officer, Brian Besanceney, announced his departure from the company effective October 1. Describing the move as “the right moment”, he leaves a void that is set to be temporarily filled by Ann Schmidt, Boeing’s Vice President of Corporate Communications.

As the company remains steadfast in its mission to maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders, this temporary arrangement provides continuity during this period of transition. Schmidt’s wealth of experience and proficiency in corporate communications will undoubtedly prove crucial during this interim period.

The executive reshuffling follows Besanceney’s tenure at Boeing, a period he reflects on with gratitude towards the opportunities and experiences the company created for him. His insight and dedication to his role will, without doubt, be missed in the corporate suite.

This change in leadership comes with a slew of other events within the company. His departure coincides with the anticipated arrival of Robert Ortberg, former CEO of Rockwell Collins. The implications of these leadership transitions for the future prosperity of Boeing are being closely examined by both Besanceney and incumbent Boeing CEO, David Calhoun.

Prior to joining Boeing, Besanceney served within the administration of former President George W.


Recent plans for a technological hub in downtown Atlanta have stimulated debate. There are those who argue that it could invigorate the local economy and create numerous employment opportunities. However, there are also critics who worry about potential gentrification and an increased cost of living.

The backers of the project envision a thriving space where innovators can collaborate and construct a diverse tech community. Despite concerns, many believe that the emergence of new businesses could benefit the city’s economy substantially.

Yet, economic revival can lead to a significant shift in the socio-cultural dynamics of the region. This has left many residents feeling apprehensive about the proposed changes. Currently, the project awaits approval from the city’s administrative body and its residents, providing an opportunity for active civic engagement.

Over the last decade, thanks to $10 billion in investments, Atlanta has experienced marked improvements in areas such as Midtown and Beltline, witnessing an increase in residential properties, retail stores, and eateries. The upgrades have turned Atlanta into a bustling hub of commerce.

With innovations in art and technology, the city also boasts of an impressive skyline, attracting numerous entrepreneurs and businesses.









