
Morketing每日监测8.29:姚安娜成为阿维塔全球智驾体验官;苹果据悉在Apple Books等团队裁员约100人;华硕灵耀艺术家全球巡展盛大开幕

CD  · 2024-08-29 09:27

【摘要】 每日营销早报



8 月 23 日至 9 月 1 日,华硕灵耀艺术家全球巡展上海首站将在上海桃江路 47 号 Chapter 空间免费开放,华硕灵耀邀请策展人吴鸣携手折纸艺术家刘江辉与工业设计师章睿麟,共同探索科技引领创作的全新境界。

稻香村 × 抖音商城大牌惊喜日与悟空一起「齐天揽月」

中秋将至,与悟空一同赏月是种什么体验?近日,稻香村携手首款国产 3A 游戏《黑神话·悟空》推出联名款月饼礼盒,从《西游记》及游戏设计中汲取灵感,采用拉页典籍式书型盒,精致呈现仙家桃树、月宫仙境等游戏场景,再现斗战胜佛孙悟空「拨云见月,直上天宫」的潇洒意境。此外,内盒拉页还原了旧报纸、古书籍上黄历的排版样式,并印有游戏 IP 主角的精美 3D 画面,让新锐设计与传统底蕴相得益彰。




2024 年 8 月 24 日,在上海歌舞团舞剧《朱鹮》首演十周年纪念演出之际,欧莱雅中国携手旗下品牌巴黎欧莱雅举办欧莱雅中国生物多样性保护——朱鹮及其栖息地保护项目发布及捐赠仪式,通过与中华环境保护基金会合作设立的「生物多样性保护基金」,向陕西汉中朱鹮国家级自然保护区管理局捐赠资金用于开展朱鹮监测及栖息地恢复项目。

瑞幸用「冰摇浓缩」给付航加满 passion

近日,随着《喜剧之王·单口季》如火如荼地开播,付航在第一期便获得了最高票数。对于许多观众来说,首次参加综艺节目的他,是实打实的新鲜面孔,而对于线下观众来说,他早已经是一票难求的新顶流。乘着这股势头,8 月 28 日,瑞幸官方发布付航手握「生椰冰摇浓缩」、身穿《黑悟空·神话》联名 T 恤的海报,为其加满 passion。


零零科技发布哈浮飞行相机X1 PRO与X1 PROMAX

8月28日消息,飞行相机制造商零零科技宣布推出哈浮飞行相机X1 PRO与X1 PROMAX,并已于北京时间8月27日凌晨在Indiegogo开启众筹,上线145分钟,众筹金额即突破百万美金,创造了飞行相机众筹纪录。两款相机预计将于10月8日在国内各大电商平台开启预售。





苹果据悉在Apple Books等团队裁员约100人

据报道,苹果公司采取罕见举措,当地时间8月27日在其服务部门削减约100个岗位。裁员数量最多的是负责Apple Books应用程序和Apple Bookstore的团队。运营Apple News的团队也遭到裁员。


美国人工智能初创企业Anthropic当地时间8月27日宣布,该公司将动态工作空间“Artifacts”功能开放给所有Claude用户。用户现在可以在Claude iOS和Android应用中创建和查看“Artifacts”。



不少人认识霸王茶姬都是从一杯「伯牙绝弦」开始的,近日,霸王茶姬伯牙绝弦单品销量正式突破 6 亿杯。6 亿杯伯牙绝弦的背后是 6 亿次陪伴时刻,为了记录这些属于伯牙绝弦的美好,同时 8 月又是宠物友好月,霸王茶姬推出「会友陪伴」主题包材,与茶友们共同记录这些会友瞬间。


近日,宠物食品品牌领先正式推出了与经典影视 IP《甄嬛传》的联名活动,二者共同带来了多款联名产品以及一则联名情景剧,为消费者带来「甄领先」的多重惊喜。







CNN 的 Dana Bash 将于周四采访 Harris 和 Walz

Vice President Kamala Harris has agreed to her first major interview since she became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president five weeks ago.

Ms. Harris will appear on CNN alongside her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, for a joint interview on Thursday in Georgia. Dana Bash, the CNN anchor who co-moderated the debate in June between President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump, will conduct the interview.

CNN plans to tape the joint appearance on Thursday afternoon and air it that evening at 9 Eastern time.

The question of where and when Ms. Harris would sit for an extensive discussion with the mainstream media has started to loom over her candidacy. She has shown little enthusiasm for speaking with reporters in unscripted settings, outside of a handful of impromptu sessions on the campaign trail that left little opportunity for sustained questioning about her policy plans.

Her allies say that, given the accelerated nature of her candidacy, Ms. Harris is being shrewd about her media rollout. She took advantage of last week’s prime-time Democratic National Convention to keep tight control over how she introduces herself to American voters.


Scarce and finicky public chargers are among the biggest reasons people hesitate to buy electric cars. So when Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, agreed last year to open the company’s well-regarded Supercharger network to vehicles from other carmakers, many drivers and industry experts celebrated the decision.

But more than 12 months later, Tesla’s network, with nearly 30,000 fast-charging plugs in the United States and Canada, remains largely inaccessible to most people who don’t drive Teslas because of software delays and hardware shortages.

The delays have fueled speculation that Mr. Musk was having second thoughts about opening up Tesla’s network, possibly because he was worried that access would help other automakers sell battery-powered models and lure customers from Tesla, which has suffered from declining sales.

Tesla eased those fears a bit on Friday when the company’s charging unit posted on X that it had stepped up production of a crucial piece of hardware: adapters that drivers of Ford, Rivian and other car brands need to connect to Tesla chargers.

A Tesla factory in Buffalo is producing 8,000 of the adapters per week, the company said, noting that outside suppliers are also producing the part. Still, it is unclear how fast those adapters would reach electric vehicle owners.


In the last three years, numerous Nigerian businesses have amped up their marketing efforts to carve out a niche in the highly competitive market. This heightened push in marketing has caused a significant increase in brand awareness among consumers.

A trend analysis of marketing budgets from 2021 to 2023 indicates a 35.9% uptick, a clear recovery following the 2020 pandemic’s economic impact. Even with a slight dip in the growth rate in 2023, the year still marked a 5.8% increment compared to 2022. This upward trend was primarily driven by sectors such as technology and health, demonstrating resilient growth amid market flutters.

However, 2023 marked a notable shift in advertisement spending. Companies like Nigerian Breweries Plc chose to trim down their marketing outlays, while other budding businesses like FBN Holdings and Fidelity Bank hiked their advertising spending. Sectors such as FMCG witnessed divergent spending trends.









