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陆涛  · 2019-12-12 11:35

【摘要】 雀巢周三表示,已同意将其美国冰淇淋业务出售给英国冰淇淋公司Froneri,交易价值40亿美元。Froneri是雀巢与PAI Partners于2016年成立的合资企业。在获得监管部门批准后,该交易预计将于2020年第一季度完成。



雀巢周三表示,已同意将其美国冰淇淋业务出售给英国冰淇淋公司Froneri,交易价值40亿美元。Froneri是雀巢与PAI Partners于2016年成立的合资企业。在获得监管部门批准后,该交易预计将于2020年第一季度完成。










聚划算今日宣布淘宝双12“百亿补贴”正式上线,而且后续也会成为常态化活动。此次百亿补贴首期上线的包括iPhone、戴森吹风机、任天堂游戏机等。iPhone 11价格为4499元,戴森V8吸尘器价格为2099元。聚划算方面称,这些货品源自聚划算百亿补贴的“尖货商品池”,在淘宝双12期间,部分货品价格低至五折。






1.Twitter CEO资助新研究团队,开发社交媒体去中心化

Twitter CEO杰克·多西宣布,该公司正在资助一个新的研究团队以开发“社交媒体的开放和去中心化标准”,部分原因是为了解决Twitter平台目前存在的一些问题。此举理想化的长期愿景是让各个迥然不同的社交媒体网络变得更像电子邮件,这样一来用户就可以加入不同的网络,但无论使用哪个网络都仍可相互交流。












根据最新数据,2019年前8个月,符合可信责任集团(TAG)标准的数字广告欺诈和无效流量减少了88%。TAG委托数字广告咨询公司614 Group进行了一项基准研究,该研究基于6家主要代理控股公司在1月至8月期间提供的2010亿次广告展现量。对一般无效流量(GIVT)和复杂无效流量(SIVT)进行的研究涵盖了PC展示广告、PC视频广告、移动展示广告、移动网络视频、应用内展示和应用内视频广告。所有的展现量都是通过TAG认证的渠道实现的。在这些渠道中,参与交易的多家公司都获得了TAG的“防欺诈展现认证”。


1. 尽管年初存在监管和贸易战方面的担忧,五大科技巨头今年仍实现了强劲的增长

A year ago, big tech looked poised for calamity. The whole stock market was sinking under fears of a trade war or recession. And Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet were each being pummeled by scandals and macro-headwinds. But, seemingly against tough odds, the tech sector (and in particular the big five – the four aforementioned titans plus Microsoft) staged impressive rallies in 2019. But the gains for big tech are driven by results, The New York Times reports. Despite regulatory concerns and slowdowns in key markets like China, these companies put up strong growth numbers this year. Can the hot streak continue? “The law of large numbers means it is far more difficult to generate large percentage increases in value. A unique confluence of factors allowed these companies to break that law this year. But observers say it’s unlikely they will regularly clock such large gains.”

2. 2020年市场营销人员需要关注的3件事

Marketing is one of the fastest-changing professions today. And like fashion trends (glad that bike shorts with blazers phase is over), as a marketer, you don’t want to find yourself “oh, so last year!” Read on to hear what’s hot for marketers in 2020 and how you can get ahead of the game.


Much like the plaid miniskirt trend, micro-campaigns are short and sweet. If you haven’t heard of a micro-campaign, no worries — 2020 isn’t here quite yet.

Data-driven, rapid feedback loops

While rapid feedback loops have been around for a while, they are becoming more and more data-driven. If you haven’t incorporated feedback loops into your marketing yet, don’t worry – it’s not too late.

Mass personalization

Companies no longer have the luxury of pushing messaging that is self-serving. No one cares that you want to sell shoes. In fact, hard-selling in any way, shape or form is just so 1995.

3. 广告主在Instagram Story上的支出增长70%,该功能日活跃用户数超5亿

Facebook’s big bet on Instagram Stories is starting to pay off. The ad unit now takes in 10% of all ad spend across Facebook’s apps, according to a report by social media marketing firm Socialbakers. The success of Instagram Stories shows that Facebook is keeping up with shifts in user behavior and advertisers are catching on quickly, Bloomberg reports. Advertiser spending on Instagram stories was up 70% year over year, according to Socialbakers, and the feature has over 500 million daily active users. The Stories format isn’t having as much success on Facebook’s core platform, however; Facebook Stories commanded 0.3% of total ad spending across its platforms.

4. Pinterest新工具Pinterest Trends已推出,将展示过去12个月美国最热门搜索词的概况

Pinterest Trends, a new tool that will provide an overview of the top U.S. search terms over the past 12 months along with data on when those search terms peaked, has begun rolling out, the company announced on Tuesday.

Google Trends has long been a resource marketer have relied on to gauge trends and seasonal interest in topics. Pinterest Trends will offer another set of keyword trend data, specifically around the categories it caters to such as food, home and fashion. More insight into search queries and trends can give brands a better understanding of the content and campaigns that may perform well on (and off) Pinterest.

Marketers can also use Pinterest Trends to verify assumptions regarding emerging trends and expand and refine keyword research and targeting with auto-complete suggestions. Tastemade and Albertsons are among the brands with early access. Pinterest said the two brands have created successful boards and campaigns on the platform based on the insights.

5. 众多DTC品牌遭遇困境,未能保持增长率或扭亏为盈

Many direct-to-consumer brands haven’t been able to maintain growth rates or flip to profitability. It’s been more than three years since Unilever dropped $1 billion on the men’s grooming brand Dollar Shave Club, and that business is still losing money, The Wall Street Journal reports. The true CPG brand battlefield, at least for US consumers, may still be store shelves. Nowadays, DTC companies are judged on whether they can graduate from social media and ecommerce to big box stores or grocers. “We gave up on the direct-to-consumer angle to work with retailers,” said Yanghee Paik, co-founder and CEO of the feminine care product startup Rael. “We’re already asking people to convert from conventional products made by the P&Gs of the world. To also buy online is asking for a lot of change.”

6. 政治广告所披露的5个问题

Dear proponents of political digital disclosure: I have some questions for you.

Regulating paid political speech is hard, and nobody has gotten it right. Earlier this year, Marc Farinella, of the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy, gathered 17 political digital professionals to see where we could agree.

There has been much written lately about how to regulate digital political ads, which will account for a third of all 2020 political spending, but the devil is in the details. Disclosure or nondisclosure is not a binary choice; we will never come to agreement without a nationwide whiteboarding session. Let's start with five easy questions.









