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Morketing Global 每日监测3.2【在这里读懂全球化】: 2020年游戏开发者大会GDC受疫情影响宣布延期;HMS再进一步,华为或推出“华为搜索”取代谷歌搜索

chaya  · 2020-03-01 12:44

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1.谷歌:支持GDC 2020推迟决定,将云直播公布新内容


谷歌表示针对目前不断发展的新冠病毒情况,支持组织方推迟GDC 2020的决定。据悉本次线上活动将于3月16日开始,进行为期2天的线上直播。公司内的诸多团队将会展示最新成果。根据Session安排主要包括Android游戏开发、Google Cloud,而有关于Stadia的内容将会在隔日举行。








近日有外媒曝光,华为将推出“Huawei Search(华为搜索)”应用来代替谷歌搜索。该应用程序提供了即时搜索,快速查看小部件和新闻等功能,除了全部搜索结果之外,用户还可以对“视频”、“新闻”、“图像”类别的搜索进行排序。根据信息,Huawei Search应用将很快在AppGallery上推出,届时华为设备和荣耀设备皆可下载使用,而有一些新设备也可能会预装此应用程序。






5.谷歌新操作系统Fuchsia OS进入开发者试用阶段,接近杀青


谷歌新操作系统Fuchsia OS的开发已经接近尾声,已经进入开发者亲自试用的阶段。在软件开发中,尤其是谷歌的开发周期中,在让普通用户尝试之前,通常会有一个开发人员上阵的“狗粮”测试期。意思是让开发者亲自安装使用操作系统,通过测试找到缺点和不足。除了正常的公共测试阶段,如阿尔法和贝塔,谷歌有相当多的内部测试阶段,都源于同一个“狗粮”名称。












1. 2020年游戏开发者大会GDC受疫情影响宣布延期 


In recent days, nearly all of the event’s top corporate sponsors announced that they would not be sending employees to the event due to concerns surrounding coronavirus. Microsoft, Unity, Epic, Amazon, Facebook and Sony had all bowed out of the event. GDC’s  statement did not reference the virus.




Amazon Web Services  has entered a partnership with Safaricom — Kenya’s largest telco, ISP and mobile payment provider — in a collaboration that could spell competition between American cloud providers in Africa.


In a statement to TechCrunch,  the East African company framed the arrangement as a “strategic agreement” whereby Safaricom  will sell AWS services (primarily cloud) to its East Africa customer network. Safaricom — whose products include the famed M-Pesa  mobile money product — will also become the first Advanced Consulting Partner for the AWS partner network in East Africa.


3.苹果惩罚了能“识别30亿张照片身份”的面部识别公司Clearview AI,并封杀其在iPhone上的应用


An iPhone app built by controversial facial recognition startup Clearview AI  has been blocked by Apple, effectively banning the app from use. Apple confirmed to TechCrunch that the startup “violated” the terms of its enterprise developer program.


The app allows its users — which the company claims it serves only law enforcement officers — to use their phone camera or upload a photo to search its database of 3 billion photos. But BuzzFeed News revealed that the company — which claims to only cater to law enforcement users — also includes many private-sector users, including Macy’s, Walmart and Wells Fargo.


4.SaaS平台Dropbox,Box和Sprout Social的收入均暴涨


A quick hit as we have a podcast to record, but a few public companies in the broader SaaS market reported earnings in the past week. Their results are worth unpacking as they paint a good picture of what the markets are hunting for in modern software companies.


Of course, we’re covering the firms’ share-price movements in the context of an epic selloff stemming from global conditions that are already impacting earnings. But, hey, not all the news out there is bad. In fact, for our three companies, public investors are waving green flags. So let’s take a peek regarding why Dropbox, Box and Sprout Social — one recent IPO and two slightly-out-of-favor SaaS shops — each shot higher after reporting their Q4-era results.


5.Pinterest董事会添新成员:即将上市的外卖公司DoorDash高管、高级餐厅送餐服务商Caviar的领导人Gokul Rajaram


Pinterest is bringing on a new board member. The company announced today it has appointed Gokul Rajaram, Caviar lead at soon-to-go-public DoorDash, to its board of directors and as a member of its Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The addition signals Pinterest’s desire to bring more digital advertising expertise to its board, given Rajaram’s experience as product director of Ads at Facebook and product management director at Google AdSense.

本文由Morketing Global整理发布。








