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Morketing Global 每日监测2.5【在这里读懂全球化】:Snapchat 2020年计划上线新功能Bitmoji TV;云存储公司Dropbox CEO加入Facebook董事会

chaya  · 2020-02-04 20:04

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化。



1.    索尼2019财年Q3销售收入226亿美元,净利润21亿美元




2. 英国将从2035年起禁售燃油车,比原计划提前5年




3. 谷歌将Chrome安全漏洞修复时间减半


谷歌工程师Andrew R. Whalley上周在2019年第四季度安全工作总结报告中表示,Chrome的安全补丁修复间隔时间已经成功从33天减少至15天。所谓的“安全补丁修复间隔”是指一个安全BUG在开源库中被修复到抵达软件本体的时间。显然,这个时间越短,相关软件的用户所受到的威胁就越低。


4. 马斯克今年净资产增135亿美元,全球富豪排名第一


特斯拉股价在今年的暴涨,让马斯克的个人净资产增加了135亿美元,在全球富豪中排名第一。根据彭博亿万富豪指数提供的数据,马斯克年初时在全球富豪中排名第35位;至周一收盘,他的净资产已达到410亿美元,超过戴尔创始人迈克尔·戴尔(Michael Dell)和耐克联合创始人菲尔·奈特(Phil Knight)等人,排名升至第22位。


5. 甲骨文发力云计算:在五个国家设立数据中心


据外媒报道,甲骨文公司(Oracle Corp.)周一表示,已在5个国家增设了新的云计算数据中心,并计划在2020年底前在36个地点建立这些数据中心,届时该公司将与亚马逊和微软在云计算市场展开竞争。在经过一段不太稳当的云业务起步阶段后,长期从事商业软件服务的甲骨文公司推出了第二代云计算系统,甲骨文通过该系统运营其数据中心,客户可从中租用其计算能力。




1. 全球最大的来电显示服务商之一Truecaller吸引了2亿活跃用户,其中印度为最大市场


Truecaller, one of the world’s largest caller-identification service providers, has amassed 200 million monthly active users and is increasingly proving that it can turn a profit, it said Tuesday. 


In India, Truecaller’s largest market, the service now has 150 million monthly active users, it said. Reaching the 200 million milestone gives the Swedish firm a significant lead over its Seattle-based chief rival Hiya, which as of October last year had about 100 million users.


2. 云存储公司Dropbox CEO加入Facebook董事会


Shareholders have repeatedly tried to oust Facebook’s chairman Mark Zuckerberg. The board has repeatedly rejected that demand. Outside investors are unlikely to get much help with that push from Facebook’s newest board member: Dropbox co-founder and CEO Drew Houston.


The addition of Houston is the first since the departure of Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann from the board in October. She was the lead independent director and that role remains empty. While the “independent” status relates to financial ties, business aside, Houston and Zuckerberg’s personal relationship might have complicated the storage startup leader asuming that position.


3. 尽管出现了垃圾邮件和内容问题,Byte的下载量仍突破一百万


New short-form video app Byte, heralded as Vine’s successor, is off to a strong start despite its issues. The app, built by Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann, brings back the six-second videos made popular by Vine which was shut down in late 2016 after Twitter’s acquisition of the popular video-sharing platform. According to new data from Sensor Tower, Byte’s launch has been well-received with over 1.3 million downloads during its first week alone. The U.S. delivered the bulk of these new installs, followed by Great Britain then Canada.


4. Snapchat 2020年计划上线新功能Bitmoji TV 


As one of the most popular social media networks, Snapchat has gone through quite a lot in the past couple of years. The app is now preparing for a global release of a new feature known as Bitmoji TV.


This global project was designed to improve the quality of Snapchat’s Discover section, as well as boost the overall user experience on the platform. In this feature, your Snapchat avatar is going to become a star character in a cartoon series that is called Bitmoji TV.


5. Twitter发现并关闭了一个庞大的虚假账户网络,阻止其通过电话号码匹配用户


Twitter  announced today that over the holidays it identified and shut down “a large network of fake accounts,” as well as many others “located in a wide range of countries,” collectively abusing a feature that let them match phone numbers to user accounts.


TechCrunch previously reported this same issue on December 24, which is also the day Twitter says that it “became aware” that the abuse was taking place. Security researcher Ibrahim Balic found that a bug in Twitter’s Android app let him submit millions of phone numbers through an official API, which returned any associated user account.

本文由Morketing Global整理发布。








