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每日监测 10.22 :京东、阿里公布双十一玩法,仍以补贴为主;Gartner公布广告技术魔力象限;五芳斋重阳广告,有毒

曾巧  · 2018-10-22 08:44







北京时间10月22日早间消息,据美国科技媒体The Information援引知情人士消息称,Facebook上周日已与几家网络安全公司就潜在收购事宜进行接触,收购目标尚未最终确定,但交易结果或将在今年年底宣布。






“双十一”诞生10周年之际,京东、阿里巴巴近日分别对外公布今年“双十一”活动玩法。 京东表示,除了联合品牌推出直减活动外,还将在大促预热期推出“头号京贴”玩法。 天猫方面,10月20日天猫全品类开启预售,支付定金可获得立减优惠,同时,在手机淘宝、手机天猫进入“双十一”主会场能领取购物津贴,提前抢大额优惠券。


4、IPG CEO :收购Acxiom将改变IPG第一方数据能力


IPG’s $2.3 billion acquisition of Acxiom Marketing Solutions will transform the holding company’s services around its clients first-party data, said CEO Michael Roth said on the company’s Q3 earnings call Friday.


“Acxiom is a world-class data asset,” he said. “As all companies look to make their first-party data work harder for them, and do so in an increasingly regulated and secure environment, Acxiom is considered the premiere provider of these services.”


5、Gartner 广告技术行业魔力象限出炉



Leaders, which are high on the two axes of “ability to execute” and “completeness of vision”: Google, MediaMath, Adobe and Adform.

Challengers, high on the execute dimension but not on vision: The Trade Desk, Amobee.

Visionaries, high on vision, low in execution: Sizmek.

And Niche Players, who are low in both axes: Oath (formerly AOL and Yahoo).




Procter & Gamble is asking retailers to share loyalty card and point-of-sale data so it can target customers likely to shop at a specific supermarket, Digiday reports. “It’s a big ask because it’s going way beyond EPOS data and click data,” said Tom Pickford, P&G’s director of e-business for EMEA, at the IDG Conference in London this week. Retailers are wary of sharing customer data, but doing so could unlock digital shopper marketing budgets. Pickford said ecommerce is worth $4.5 billion to P&G, 6% of its overall business, which it expects to jump to $10 billion and 30% of revenue in 2021.




For GroupM, the world’s largest ad buyer, YouTube has made “a lot of progress” since then, according to GroupM managing partner of brand safety in the Americas Joe Barone, paving the way to whitelisting, for example. The wake-up call of several advertisers pausing spending on the platform got YouTube’s attention. Still, with an estimated 800,000 monetized channels and artificial-intelligence tools still fledgling, YouTube has a ways to go: Barone rated its progress at about 2.5 out of 5 in a talk at the Digiday Media Buying Summit in Austin, Texas, on Wednesday.




Personalization is a key part of many marketing strategies, but it remains a very difficult task for marketers to pull off effectively.


In a recent survey of 190 marketing influencers worldwide conducted by Ascend2, 63% of respondents said that data-driven personalization is a difficult tactic to execute. No other tactic listed in the survey—including content marketing, email marketing and search engine optimization—aroused such difficulty.


“Many marketers are still hung up on the notion that personalization means creating hundreds of tag lines, creative variants and more,” said John Douglas, senior director of product marketing at Sizmek. “In reality, personalization is just as much about making the experience relevant to the consumer.”




10月17日,亚马逊 Amazon 推出了新款 Kindle Paperwhite 电子阅读器,并针对中国市场推出内容定制化 Kindle,为此专门推出了这则全新的广告片。














