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每日监测 11.19:抖音如何影响年轻人;明星消费能力榜出炉;阳狮CEO:咨询公司将与代理商融合

曾巧  · 2018-11-19 10:17








贝因美集团旗下母婴电商平台「妈妈购」获得首轮融资,据相关人士透露,投前估值达 12 亿元。投资金额和投资方暂未做透露。妈妈购目前有上千家合作的品牌方,注册用户超过千万,营收环比增长 160%,仅双十一当天 GMV 达数千万。












11月16日,拼多多就美国做空机构Blue Orca发布的做空报告表示,其中所列举的指向性内容与事实完全不符,公司将在11月20日三季度财报发布当晚的分析师电话会议上回答相关提问。拼多多称,财务报表中的数字完全符合美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的规定,提交的文件符合美国通用会计准则,并经安永会计师事务所审计。11月15日,Blue Orca发布做空报告称,拼多多夸大了公司营收和GMV,少计算了人力成本及亏损额,拼多多市场价值虚高。该报告发布当晚,拼多多股价涨11.66%。




抖音仍然是以 15s UGC 内容为主的短视频平台,但同时,抖音正在实现从「有趣」的短视频平台向「有用」的内容平台的升级:一方面抖音仍将保持占据用户注意力和使用时长的 C 位优势,而另一方面,对品牌特别是本地中小区域品牌来说,有用的抖音也为其打开了更广阔的营销空间。


「在区域营销中,我们看到很多本地品牌其实是有 Branding 的强烈诉求,并不是说只想靠发券打折吸引用户这么简单。对于想建立自己品牌影响力的本地品牌,短视频是一个能够兼具内容表现力与用户互动性的优质载体。」字节跳动营销中心总经理陈都烨说起中小品牌的区域营销痛点。




以收费方式作为观看电影主要方式的视频网站YouTube做出调整,从10月份开始,新增了大量免费的经典电影。YouTube大约新增了99部经典的好莱坞电影供免费观看 ,包括《洛基》系列、《终结者》系列、《律政俏佳人(Legally Blonde)》系列等。不过,虽然是免费,可用户需要牺牲的是,忍受部分广告,另外,似乎还有一些观看地区的限制。


8、荣耀赵明:印度市场不牺牲利润 手机行业时刻都有危机

















Consultancies want to be more like agencies, and agencies want to be more consultative. Maybe they should all just merge together? In that spirit, Publicis Groupe CEO Arthur Sadoun predicts a “wave” of mergers, as the two sectors link arms against the giant tech platforms. Sadoun wouldn’t predict when it would happen, according to Reuters’ report from the Morgan Stanley TMT Conference in Barcelona, just that there will be “a big move at some point,” which will transform the market. Reuters notes that Publicis.Sapient already partnered with Capgemini last year to win a McDonald’s engagement. More.


12、Google Map将开启商家对话功能


Earlier today, 9to5Google pointed us to a blog post from Google announcing a new feature for Google Maps: messaging businesses. After it rolls out to iPhone and Android users, there will be a new “messages” button on the left-hand slide out drawer that lets you message the businesses you find in Google Maps.


A business that wants to participate will need to use Google’s “My Business” verification system and its associated app to send and receive messages. That app was just overhauled, as Adweek notes — making it more of a one-stop shop for small businesses to update their information for Google and to chat with customers.




In an August 2018 study by Gartner of 621 marketing leaders in North America and the UK, respondents reported that, on average, they expect to spend 29% of their budget on marketing technology this year, up from 22% in 2017. This makes marketing tech the single biggest investment area for marketing resources, according to Gartner’s researchers.

14、规模化广告平台VS 小而精解决方案:广告公司如何把握二者平衡?


As programmatic media enters its second decade – and a wave of consolidation, fire sales and amalgamations of ad tech stacks change the industry – it is becoming increasingly hard for agencies and brands to identify the right solution for their business needs.


The current approach pits those who work across multiple vendors against those who prefer one enterprise-level solution that most adequately fits their needs. In a contracting environment, there is a limited role to play for vendors not named Display & Video 360, Amazon, The Trade Desk, MediaMath or AppNexus, which isn’t a positive development.


A prevalent issue facing programmatic media buyers and demand-side platforms (DSP) is that they need to decide whether they’d rather be a jack of all trades and master of none or deprioritize others to become the standard in a key area. This leaves very little middle ground. Many technologies, especially vertical- and format-specific DSPs, might excel at one thing but not at everything. On the flip side, there are the omnichannel DSPs that do everything OK but are only the best in one or two areas of programmatic buying.





Analyst firm Canalys says that global smart speaker shipments grew 137 percent year over year in the third quarter, reaching 19.7 million units. That was up from less than half that figure (8.3 million) a year ago.


Roughly 75 million devices by year-end. The firm has projected 75 million devices “for the whole of 2018.” It’s not entirely clear whether this is shipments or an estimate of the installed base of smart speaker owners. Previously, Canalys projected global smart speaker ownership would reach 100 million by the end of the year — so it’s likely a downward revision of that earlier estimate.


16、Facebook is making a big marketing push for Portal — on TV


Facebook is spending big to get the message out about its video chat device Portal.


Between Oct. 1 and Nov. 13, Facebook bought more than $48.6 million worth of TV advertising in the U.S., almost all of which has gone toward the video chat device Portal, according to data from OTT ad analytics company iSpot.tv. This makes Facebook a top-20 TV ad buyer in the U.S. during that time period, spending more than typical TV advertisers such as Paramount, Walmart and Samsung in that time period, according to iSpot.tv.


Portal, which has an entry-level price of $199, allows users to make and receive video calls as well as share photos and messages. Other features include access to Facebook Watch programming, YouTube and an integration with Amazon’s Alexa.









