
Morketing每日监测 1.7 :营销行业去年发生465起并购;支付宝武侠广告;Trade Desk的未来在哪儿?

Morketing  · 2019-01-07 08:33

【摘要】 每日新闻早知道



2018 年的全球广告行业并购支出增长 144% 达到 330 亿美元,共 465 笔。但这其中只有 20% 的交易涉及广告控股集团,剩下的大部分都来自非传统买家。


最大的买家 Adobe 在 2018 年 10 月以 47.5 亿美元收购了营销自动化公司 Marketo,后者总部位于加州,业务是帮助品牌追踪用户的在线行为,如电子邮件、消费等等。


这份来自代理商管理咨询机构 R3 的年度并购报告显示,市场营销技术、数据公司的并购量较 2017 年的 55 起大幅增加,达到 107 起,占比最高。


在 2017 年的时候,广告控股公司仍然在资本市场显得很活跃,但到了 2018 年,包括全球最大广告集团 WPP 在内的控股公司都更加关注现有资产的整合重组。在并购支出最高的前五家公司中,排名第三的 IPG 是唯一一家广告集团。IPG 去年 7 月以 23 亿美元收购了数据库营销公司 Acxiom,此外 IPG 还收购了巴西数字代理机构 Cappuccino、伦敦社交营销公司 That Lot、公关公司 ARC Public Relations 和制作机构 Hurray Productions 等。




光明乳业于 1 月 3 日举办了“领鲜成果会”。它计划在 2019 年推出更多冷藏乳制品、升级莫斯利安,并可能尝试品牌跨界合作。




2018 年夏天,自媒体引发的“便利店难买光明冷饮”、“消费者者跪求涨价”等话题让光明冰砖等产品火了一把。上海盒马鲜生上的光明棒冰和冰砖的搜索量和销量都成倍数增长。


在这次的发布会上,光明相关负责人也提到可能会改变光明冰砖的包装,让边走边吃冰砖更容易。2018 年 12 月,光明乳业以 1.43 亿元人民币收购了其控股股东光明食品(集团)有限公司旗下的上海益民食品一厂有限公司 100%股权。益民食品一厂是光明冰砖等冷饮的生产方。过去光明冷饮产品 70~80%都走的是批发渠道,未来他们或许会更重视零售和消费者端。




1 月 3 日,闲鱼宣布要上线“闲鱼优品”频道,该频道将提供品牌自营和官方授权的闲置、品质二手及样品旧款等商品,品类将包括数码 3C、家电、图书乐器、奢侈品等,消费者购买这些商品可享受 7 天无理由退换、30 天包换、180 天质保服务。


在 2018 年底京东的组织架构调整中,京东也对拍拍二手平台进行了升级,换了新的 Logo,成立了“质检研究院”,也说要推进品质二手交易,要用推“优品”的方式与品牌商家进行合作,让其提供高品质稳定货源。

阿里和京东都在争夺二手电商市场,因为它的价值就放在那里。据 QuestMobile 发布的 2018 年秋季移动互联网报告,2018 年1-9 月每月使用二手交易应用的活跃用户只增长了 500 万,但每月使用二手交易购物应用活跃用户仅次于综合电商类应用。


4、Burberry 发布 2019 中国新年广告片








根据电视广告数据分析公司 iSpot.tv 的数据,Google、亚马逊和 Facebook 2018 年共投入了 4.27 亿美元给语音设备做电视广告。并且 Facebook 在第四季度花费了 1.31 亿美元,超过了 Goolge 和亚马逊,来推广它的视频聊天设备 Portal。




英国军队最新招募宣传目标为 16 至 25 岁的千禧一代,并呼吁“手机沉溺者”、“游戏狂热玩家”、“自拍上瘾者”、及“自我中心主义者”加入军队。

该招募活动 “Your Army Needs You” 通过海报及电视广告,表示在社会中被当作弱点或缺陷的特质可被军队视为力量。

在海报中,军队模仿对话者口吻对 “Phone Zombies”(离不开手机的年轻人)说道,“军队需要你,以及你的专注度”。另一张针对“自拍者上瘾者”的招募海报中显示,军队看重其“自信”潜质。

英国军队试图通过将社会对于年轻千禧一代 “屏幕上瘾” 的刻板印象,与士兵所需的理想技能联系起来,从而鼓励所有具有意愿的年轻人加入军队。“军队正以不同方式看待人们,我们很自豪能够超越刻板印象,并发现年轻人的潜力,无论是从同情力或自我信念上,”负责招募及初员培训的少将 Paul Nanson 在一份声明中陈述。








9、苹果:App Store客户在2018年假期期间花费12.2亿美元

36氪讯,苹果公司宣布,App Store客户在节假日期间创造了新的消费记录。从平安夜到新年前夕,App Store客户的消费支出达12.2亿美元。元旦当天的客户支出超过公司的单日纪录,花费超过3.22亿美元。




腾讯视频上线互动剧《古董局中局之佛头起源》,让观众参与进来,选择剧情走向,由互影科技和五元文化联合打造。「互影科技」成立于 2017 年 10 月,公司定位于一家科技内容公司,通过融合互动设计、影视制作、技术开发,创造基于移动端体验的互动内容产品。





长图依照“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”的顺序 ,生动再现支付宝客服14年间的层层蜕变。







13、Xaxis CEO Trade Desk的未来在哪儿?


Spending through WPP’s trading desk Xaxis has slowed in western markets recently, as advertisers instead seek alternatives that provide more transparency. But in eastern markets, where scrutiny isn’t as sharp, the Xaxis business is in rude health.


China has gone from being Xaxis’ seventh-largest market to its second over the last two years, according to CEO Nicolas Bidon. It’s a key part of the trading desk’s growth, he said, as more money in the APAC region flows into programmatic media.


WPP doesn’t break out financial information for its trading desk, but for the first nine months of 2018, its revenue growth was in the high single digits, its chief financial officer, Paul Richardson, said last October. It would’ve grown faster if business hadn’t “decelerated” in Xaxis’ more mature markets, said Bidon. Concerns over hidden fees, data provenance and fraud in online advertising have put Xaxis’ non-disclosed model — which doesn’t always disclose margins or details of how transactions work — under increased scrutiny, Bidon said.




The volume of data handled by mobile marketers is tremendous, and because of the fundamental role automated technologies play in this process, performance marketing isn’t exactly marketing as we know it – it is sales operation on an enormous scale.


Managing mobile ad campaigns requires an entirely different skill set than overseeing the strategy, production and distribution of a television ad. Mobile marketers send hundreds of iterations of their ads out into the world and rely on machines to determine which version works best – and on which traffic source, at what time and on which operating system, to name just few variables. A media buyer has a quintillion permutations to choose from when buying impressions from a single demand-side platform. Humans – even the marketing kind – cannot digest the magnitude of this number.




The startups of the tech boom made an appealing offer to marketers: less grueling work compared to long, draining hours at ad agencies, topped with the promise of equity. But as the startup world shrinks and equity dries up, the grass is no longer greener on the tech side. For some marketers, the best choice is to revamp their careers at ad agencies.


Digiday spoke with three marketers who recently left their in-house marketing jobs at technology companies to pursue positions at ad agencies. These marketers are searching for a renewed sense of purpose, community and variety in their work. At the same time, ad agencies are pursuing them for their highly sought-after skills, giving them the power to command the salaries they were making in tech.




2019 promises to be the beginning of the next transformation in digital ad buying.


RTB-driven programmatic advertising started in the late 2000s (2007-2009) and drove the initial burst in data-driven buying, particularly with the release of the RTB 1.0 standard. Header bidding started gaining popularity in 2014 and changed the way buyers accessed inventory, how publishers prioritized their ad stacks and shifted programmatic from being a vehicle for low-quality inventory to a truly premium channel for buying digital media.


Now another technical change is on the horizon that promises to remake programmatic again: publisher-direct connections or publisher exchanges. Until now, almost all programmatic buying has gone through a similar pipeline:


Advertiser -> demand-side platform (DSP) -> exchange -> publisher


This setup has served the industry well, and its design has led to its explosive growth. But it may be reaching the end of its usefulness, at least in some scenarios.




Amazon announced this week that is now using the Media Rating Council’s (MRC) standard for viewability when reporting view-through conversions.


Under the MRC standard, an ad impression is considered viewable when at least 50 percent of the pixels are in-view for at least one second. Only impressions deemed viewable based on that standard are eligible for view-through conversion credits.


Until this update, advertisers have been able to opt to show ads only when an impression was viewable, but conversion attribution was not based on viewability. Instead view-through conversions were reported based on impressions served, with an attribution window of 14 days.


The change means that the view-through conversions Amazon now reports are based only on ad impressions that had a chance of being seen by the users that converted.









