
Morketing每日监测4.8:大品牌们正在建立DTC;Prada与甲骨文达成合作,以加速数字化转型;颐和园文创叫板故宫;Snapchat发布 Snap Audience Network

Morketing  · 2019-04-08 07:53

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对此,Prada市场营销和传播负责人Lorenzo Bertelli表示到,与甲骨文合作,是集团推进加大技术投入增加运营效率这一战略的举措之一。Lorenzo Bertelli还透露到,集团正在加大对电商的投资力度,目标2020年在全球所有市场推出电商业务。







新任产品负责人 Vishal Shah 认为,电商有潜力成为 Instagram 继广告之后的又一大收入支柱。


Shah 近期在 Instagram 纽约分部接受了 Cheddar 两位记者的采访。双方探讨了 Instagram 在电商方面的商业前景、IGTV的现状、Instagram 两位创始人离职的选择,以及 Facebook 关于整合旗下应用通讯功能的争议性决定,和 Instagram 的产品发展论等等。







据华尔街日报报道,知情人士透露,苹果公司流媒体音乐服务在美订阅用户数量已超过其瑞典竞争对手,世界最大的流媒体音乐服务商Spotify 。截止2月份,在美国,苹果的流媒体音乐服务订阅用户的月增长率为2.6%至3%,而Spotify为1.5%至2%。

8.三星一季度利润预计下滑60% 创逾四年来最大降幅




Large, established companies such as P&G, Verizon and Kellogg’s are building direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands to compete with the challengers encroaching on their territory.

In addition to investing in or acquiring other DTC brands, there are strategic advantages to a company building its own. P&G for instance thinks of buying, building and acquiring brands as a “three-legged stool.”

“It’s going to take a lot of different bets,” said Lauren Thaman, communications leader at P&G Ventures.

P&G Ventures created skincare brand Meladerm and Pepper & Wits, whose products alleviate menopause symptoms, as well as the essential oil bug spray Zevo. Verizon went DTC for its low-cost mobile service, Visible. Kellogg’s created a “speed team” to launch new brands including Joybol and Happy Inside.


The US retail chain Albertsons, which also operates grocery brands like Safeway, Acme and Shaw’s, is accelerating investments in the data-driven advertising platform it launched last year for consumer brands carried in stores.

The idea is to turn its retail loyalty card programs into an advertising and attribution engine, since those shoppers can be tracked over time or retargeted online by advertising technology. Albertsons works with Quotient as its platform tech provider.

And now that its loyalty data can be effectively monetized, Albertsons is doing more to drive sign-ups. Some Albertsons grocer brands introduced loyalty cards in the past year or two, and now the loyalty programs account for 20-30% of purchases, Sales said. Safeway, which has had a membership club program for decades, is between 80-90%.

11.Magna 预计2020年前,美国OTT广告收入将翻番

TV dollars are following eyeballs and shifting to over-the-top.

Magna said Friday that its 2018 forecast for US OTT ad revenues came in short. The agency predicted OTT ad revenues would hit $2 billion in 2018, but they actually hit $2.7 billion at a 54% year over year growth rate.

As a result, Magna is revising its OTT ad spend forecast upwards, predicting 39% growth to $3.8 billion in 2019 and 31% growth to $5 billion by 2020.

“The penetration and consumption of OTT homes in the US grew faster than we thought,” said Vincent Letang, EVP of market intelligence at Magna. “There’s an increasing number of people accessing OTT and more content to be consumed.”


Snap’s stock continued to rise higher on Friday -- a day after its Snap Partner Summit in Los Angeles -- on its new ad plans.

The company has decided to run advertising coming from other apps. Snap’s stock was up 6% to $12.00 in early trading.

A new ad platform for the social-media company, called the Snap Audience Network, allows advertisers to reach a larger group than by advertising on Snapchat alone.

It is intended to be a boost to third-party app makers that don’t have the infrastructure to sell advertising.

13.耐克签下大满贯网球冠军大坂娜奥米(Naomi Osaka)

On the heels of Adidas’s new partnership with Beyoncé, Nike has its own new celebrity deal. The Beaverton, Oregon-based sportswear has signed tennis star Naomi Osaka to its athlete roster. Osaka, who won the US Open last year in a high-profile, dramatic defeat of Serena Williams, had been an endorser of Nike rival Adidas. She joins the well-known ranks of Nike brand ambassadors including Williams, LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick.

Osaka's first match wearing Nike will be on April 22 at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix in Stuttgart, Germany.


Even when advertisers set their targeting parameters to be “highly inclusive,” Facebook’s ad delivery system might be discriminating based on their gender and ethnicity.

That’s according to a new study from Northeastern University, the University of Southern California and consultancy Upturn.

“Our results demonstrate previously unknown mechanisms that can lead to potentially discriminatory ad delivery,” the researchers write.

There are several potential reasons why Facebook’s ad delivery algorithms might open the door to discrimination, they contend.


Amazon’s decision to enable companies to create voice skills for use in the office without having to write code – instead, they can now use one of dozens of "blueprints" – is a welcome boost for voice. But companies should proceed with caution if they are to take full advantage of the opportunities this will bring.

Plans for a set of tools for using the Alexa voice-activated virtual assistant at work were first announced in November 2017, along with details of initial partners developing specific "skills", or apps, for business customers, all initially focused around conference rooms and productivity.

As well as an opportunity to tailor Alexa skills to their own company – voice access to an employee director, for example, or company calendar information – more practical uses include adjusting lights or room temperature, as well as accessing information about the news or weather, setting timers or asking questions, as you can do at home with an Amazon Echo.









