

陆涛  · 2019-12-22 21:28

【摘要】 每日营销资讯










经过长达半年时间的比稿,星传媒体(Starcom)日前赢得了费列罗(Ferrero)中国市场的媒介业务。据悉,整个媒介业务价值在2亿人民币左右。这家全球第三的意大利巧克力和糖果公司在中国市场上的主要品牌包括健达(Kinder)、能多益(Nutella)、拉斐尔(Laffaello)和费列罗(Ferrero Rocher),星传媒体将服务包括传统媒体和数字媒体的所有策划与购买业务。





风行网相关人员表示:“风行网并没有收购暴风TV,目前风行全量独家代运营暴风TV系统、内容服务、广告业务。我们双方纯属业务合作,没有任何股权关系。”此外,该人士还表示:“目前我们已经开始帮助暴风的用户进行系统升级了,推送了升级提示。”19日,深交所向暴风集团下发关注函,要求其解释“风行网已收购暴风 TV,将接管暴风 TV 平台和系统,双方目前正在做内容整合”的报道是否属实。





4.“脸书”又爆隐私危机 逾2.6亿用户个人资料外泄


5.易观发布11月短视频App Top 10榜单:抖音第一,快手第二

易观分析发布了2019年11月短视频App Top 10榜单,抖音短视频、快手、西瓜视频分别以5.30亿、4.25亿、1.41亿的月度活跃用户规模占据市场前三列,火山小视频以1.41亿的月度活跃用户规模排名第四,共同进入亿级App的名列中。另外,2019年11月中国移动短视频综合平台与短视频聚合平台活跃用户规模分别达到8.781亿和2.273亿。


据外媒报道,熟悉Facebook产品开发计划的消息人士透露,该公司在今年年初悄然收购了一家小型视频购物初创公司,目的是帮助其为在线交易平台Marketplace开发直播购物功能。消息人士称,Facebook在今年年初收购了初创公司Packagd。该公司拥有5名员工,由凯鹏华盈前合伙人埃里克·冯(Eric Feng)创办。



TAKUMI发布了新报告“意见领袖营销——信任、交易和引领潮流的人”。从Fyre音乐节的影响到Marissa Fuchs精心设计的Instagram提案,这是一系列精心策划的品牌合作关系,这两个都是引起公众强烈反应的例子。营销行业和意见领袖本身正受到比以往任何时候都更多的审查,这是非常正确的。如果营销人员、品牌和意见领袖要继续从该领域获得价值和创造力,这一点至关重要。



Geico的母公司Berkshire Hathaway去年的广告支出为16亿美元,比2017年的15亿美元增长了7.1%。去年唯一一家接近这么高支出的金融服务公司是Progressive,2018年该公司的媒体广告支出达到11亿美元,比前一年增长了44.6%。

Berkshire Hathaway在测量媒体方面的投资几乎是第三大金融服务广告商Capital One Financial Corp.的2.5倍。Capital One Financial Corp.去年在测量媒体方面的投资为6.65亿美元(较前一年增长43.8%)。紧随其后的是State Farm,该公司保持了相对稳定的媒体支出。位列前五名的还有Allstate Corp.,该公司的广告支出增长了31.8%,2018年达到4.52亿美元。






1.群邑旗下Wavemaker全球平台执行官Oleg Korenfeld 离职后加入设计品牌Troika,为探寻数据与品牌创意的结合

It’s almost 2020, and data and technology have revolutionized media. So why has the industry still not been able to crack data-driven creative? After six years at media agencies, Oleg Korenfeld asked himself that same question. In December he left Wavemaker, where he was global chief platforms officer, to join LA-based branding and experiential agency Troika Media Group. There, he’ll try to combine audience data with branding.

The results could be anything from extending an experiential campaign with a strategic media buy, or simply using different kinds of data to inform the brand strategy. While Korenfeld had been working with GroupM creative agencies to solve this same problem, he felt he could be more impactful at a smaller organization.

2. 某英国数据监管机构表示,RTB的未来“前途未卜”

In a blog post, the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) reiterated its stance that certain aspects of real-time bidding could be illegal under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – and that the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) might not fly under the law, either.

“We are now considering our next steps and deciding how best to address our ongoing concerns,” wrote Simon McDougall, executive director for technology and innovation at the ICO. The blog post follows an extensive report issued by the ICO’s office in June that dug deep into the practice of RTB and the potential privacy risks associated with it.

3. 媒体公司Whistle的成功秘诀在于:移动先行、平台面广、独家定制

“We go direct-to-consumer on whichever platforms our audience prefers to do their watching,” said Alison Meyer, who leads brand marketing solutions at Whistle. Originally known for its influencer-led sports content, Whistle has since branched out into lifestyle, humor and general entertainment – anything “positive and relatable,” Meyer said.

Whistle distributes across YouTube, Snapchat, IGTV, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, a recent addition. For most traditional media companies, not having an owned-and-operated distribution channel would represent a lack of control. But for Whistle, whose audience is dominated by Gen Zers and younger millennials, it’s the only distribution method that makes sense.

4. 苹果公司为使Apple TV+内容更丰富,正在就收购米高梅控股进行谈判

Apple has held preliminary talks with MGM Holdings and with the Pac-12, a college football conference, as it tries to beef up the Apple TV Plus subscription offering, reports The Wall Street Journal. Although this may be a golden era of television production, Apple’s content campaigns show how hard it is for an outsider to break into a category occupied by Netflix, Disney, Comcast’s NBCUniversal, Amazon Studios, ViacomCBS and the WarnerMedia empire.

Apple must spend hundreds of millions of dollars year after year to produce even a handful of high-production original programs. But there’s a shortcut. Apple could buy a content library of its own, and if it goes that route, MGM is one of the best options out there, with franchises like the James Bond movies and cult hit TV shows “Stargate” and “Mystery Science Theater 3000.” It’s gonna cost, though. Apple would have to spend billions for the MGM deal or to get popular sports rights. “There aren’t a lot of potential acquisitions that could meaningfully change [Apple’s] trajectory,” said Matthew Ball, former head of Amazon Studios.

5. 美国广告年度盘点:2019年,广告技术税额高达100亿美元

US advertisers spent more than $10 billion on fees to programmatic vendors in 2019, up 20% from last year, per an eMarketer report. Roughly 38% of non-social media programmatic display budgets went to vendor fees. Still, it’s important to note that the share of budgets getting eaten up by the ad tech tax compared with the amount going toward working media actually shrunk slightly in 2019.

In other words, marketers are spending more on programmatic overall and improving efficiencies, despite the persistence of high tech margins. In 2020, advertisers will spend 36.6% of their programmatic budgets on fees, according to the forecast. Transparency initiatives such as supply-path optimization have had an impact, driving down the percentage of marketer budgets allocated to fees from 42% in 2016.

6. Facebook未来将在硬件设备上发力

A year ago, when Facebook launched Portal, its suite of smart screen and speaker devices, the company was called out for wading deeper into a data privacy swamp despite recent fines and scandals. The launch may have seemed tone deaf to some, but the message it sent is important: Facebook isn’t slowing down its hardware ambitions. “We really want to make sure the next generation has space for us,” Facebook hardware chief Andrew Bosworth, known as “Boz,” told The Information.

One problem, though: Investors aren’t interested in the hardware efforts. Mark Mahaney of RBC Capital called Facebook’s consumer hardware efforts “irrelevant to the investment thesis for the foreseeable future.” But Facebook sees hardware as more than a hedge on advertising. Bosworth was previously the VP of ads and business platform, for one. And Facebook’s hardware group will be a valuable data source for behavioral targeting. Oculus users, for example, log into their VR sets with a Facebook account.









