// 滑动组件
// 滑动组件

Morketing Global 每日监测1.31【在这里读懂全球化】:Facebook第四季度营收211亿美元,净利同比增7%;PayPal四季度营收49.6亿美元,净利润超过5亿美元

Nino酱  · 2020-01-31 10:14

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化


1. 谷歌支付为线下业务推出数字店铺

据两位知情人士透露,继数字支付工具谷歌支付(Google Pay)推出了不同的在线业务后,其目前也将为线下业务推出一个数字店铺。这将使得线下商店可以在谷歌上显示他们的产品目录,用户可以进行浏览并下单,并从附近的商店购买到此产品。

2. 班加罗尔电动滑板车共享初创公司Vogo完成3500万美元C轮融资

总部位于印度班加罗尔的电动滑板车共享初创公司Vogo宣布完成了一笔约3500万美元的C轮融资,领投方为印度本土颇具影响力的投资基金Lightstone Aspada,参投方为一批现有投资者。此前,该公司曾与包括高盛在内的数家投资方进行了数月的谈判,但最终未能达成交易。

3. 印度央行将禁止未开通非接触式功能银行卡的线上支付服务

为了提高信用卡交易的安全性,印度央行——印度储备银行(RBI)已经要求包括银行在内的发卡行禁止未开通非接触式功能信用卡和借记卡的线上支付服务。在一份通知中, 印度储备银行表示,从未用于过在线、国际或非接触式交易的现有卡应被强制禁用。一旦卡被禁用,用户必须再次申请才能使用它的服务。

4. Facebook第四季度营收211亿美元,净利同比增7%


5. Facebook工程副总裁离职 曾负责数据中心基础设施

Facebook工程副总裁杰伊·帕里克(Jay Parikh)周二宣布离职。过去几年中,Facebook已有多名高管离职。 帕里克在Facebook帖子中宣布了这个消息。根据LinkedIn上的个人资料,帕里克于2009年加入Facebook,并经历了Facebook的上市。在过去3年内,Facebook经历了一系列争议事件,包括俄罗斯对2016年美国总统大选的影响、2018年的剑桥分析丑闻,以及2019年该公司遭到的4起反垄断调查。

6. PayPal四季度营收49.6亿美元,净利润超过5亿美元



1. Facebook将支付5.5亿美元用来解决隐私侵犯的集体诉讼

Facebook will pay over half a billion dollars to settle a class action lawsuit that alleged systematic violation of an Illinois consumer privacy law. The settlement amount is large indeed, but a small fraction of the $35 billion maximum the company could have faced.

2. 微软股价上涨,收入超预期,Azure实现62%增长

Microsoft shares rise after it beats revenue, profit expectations, Azure posts 62% growth. Today Microsoft reported its fiscal 2020 second quarter (calendar Q4 2019) results, including revenue of $36.9 billion (up 14%), net income of $11.6 billion (up 38%) and diluted earnings per share of $1.51.

3. Gojek投资了一家可穿戴设备公司

Gojek has reportedly invested in an Indonesian wearable tech and apparel company called Zulu, according to Daily Social.

Zulu’s line of products includes Bluetooth motorcycle helmets that give users hands-free access to voice calls and GPS navigation, as well as air-pollution filtering masks that are claimed to be capable of filtering up to 99% of harmful particles. Zulu also sells riding gloves and goggles for urban bikers.

4. 华为的IoT野心给小米和苹果带来了挑战

At a Huawei product launch event held in Shanghai in November 2019, the brand’s flagship smartphones were notably missing.

Instead, taking center stage, were two of Huawei’s Internet-of-Things (IoT) products: the MatePad Pro and the Sound X smart speaker. Previously relegated to supporting roles behind smartphones, this new class of products has become pivotal to Huawei’s consumer business strategy.

5. iPhone 11的强劲销量对营销人员意味着什么?

Apple just reported its best quarter ever, with $91.8 billion in top-line revenue and $22 billion in profit. Hardware sales reached $79.1 billion and Services came in at $12.7 billion. Wall Street analysts had expected revenues to be just over $88 billion in the company’s first fiscal quarter of 2020, which ended December 28.

6. TikTok在洛杉矶开设了新的办公室

TikTok levels up with a new space. In a move that seems to signify its growing investment in the U.S. market, TikTok’s Los Angeles operations have officially moved into a new 120,000 sq. ft. office in Culver City, Variety reports. TikTok’s new space takes up five floors at 5800 Bristol Parkway in Culver City. According to the company, the office was designed from the ground up “to embody TikTok’s fun and joyful personality.”









