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Morketing Global 每日监测3.3【在这里读懂全球化】:印度“滴滴”返聘前驻华大使,国际扩张野心凸显;亚马逊宣布退出游戏开发者大会,但大会将按计划举行

Nino酱  · 2020-03-02 21:59

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1. 亚马逊宣布退出游戏开发者大会,但大会将按计划举行




2. Canalys:去年亚马逊在全球智能音箱市场占比达29.9%排名第一




3. 印度“滴滴”返聘前驻华大使,国际扩张野心凸显


据印度《经济时报》2月26日报道,出行平台Ola宣布任命印度前驻华大使Gautam Bambawale(中文名:班浩然)为公司和国际事务高级顾问。据悉,这位新顾问,有34年的外交工作经验。Ola联合创始人兼CEO Bhavish Aggarwal表示,班浩然三十多年的国际关系和外交领域经验,将在Ola下一阶段的全球市场增长中发挥不可估量的作用。


4. 8个TikTok品牌营销方法








5. Burberry与Google搜索达成合作,想用AR技术激发消费者购物欲望


近日,Burberry在一份公告中宣布与Google达成合作。据外媒报道,购物者可以智能手机上使用Google搜索BurberryBlack TB bag或Arthur Check Sneaker时,可以点击结果中的图像来查看覆盖在真实背景上的产品3D图像。


6. 最后一英里交付初创公司「iMile」获 1000 万美元 A 轮融资,想成为中东的“顺丰”


据外媒报道,近日,迪拜的最后一英里交付初创公司「iMile」完成了 1000 万美元的 A 轮融资,投资人尚未透露。「iMile」由阿里巴巴和 Meeras 在阿拉伯联合酋长国合资企业的首席技术官 Rita Huang 于 2017 年创立。「iMile」主要为阿联酋和沙特的电子商务公司,提供不同的 B2B 和 B2C 物流解决方案。




1. Oppo在印度推出其金融服务业务


Chinese mobile communications company Oppo launched its financial services arm Oppo Kash on Monday in the capital.


Oppo Kash aims to have six offerings in the next 18 months. This will include payments, lending, savings, insurance, financial education and for the first time in India a financial well being score.


2. 随着冠状病毒爆发,供应链中断,中国制造的手机供应正在减少


Supplies of iPhones and other handset brands are running low at shops in India as disruptions stemming from the Covid-19 outbreak in China start to bite. Also hit are Xiaomi, TCL and Realme phones, said multiple cellphone and electronic retailers. In the past week to 10 days, only 10-20% of the usual number have been sent to stores, they said.


3. 在国际范围内拓展初创企业时,如何克服文化障碍


Thanks to technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and video conferencing, the world of work is becoming a little smaller every day.


In 2020, businesses of all shapes and sizes can interact with colleagues in offices on the other side of the planet as if they’re sitting beside them. We can collaborate on documents in real-time, even as we switch between devices. We can operate machinery and tools from tens of thousands of miles away.


4. 东南亚在约会平台上的支出大增


App developers are taking advantage of a surge in interest in mobile dating across Southeast Asia where spending in some countries has surged by up to 260% over the last three years.


According to mobile data and analytics company App Annie, would-be lovers in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore have led the shift to handheld devices.


5. 印尼最大电信集团Telkom Group将用3-5亿美元来支持国有企业的数字化转型


Telkom Group, Indonesia’s largest telecommunications network and service provider, has prepared USD 300 to 500 million for investment. The funds will be used to support the state-owned enterprise’s digital transformation by investing in startups, Daily Social reported.









