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Morketing Global 每日监测2.4【在这里读懂全球化】:微软再推安全漏洞悬赏计划;印度对在电子商务平台上销售的企业征收附加税

Nino酱  · 2020-02-03 23:46

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1.     微软再推安全漏洞悬赏计划:最高支付20000美元


Techcrunch报道称,微软于近日宣布了一项新的漏洞赏金计划,专门针对其Xbox Live网络和服务中的安全漏洞,根据漏洞利用的严重程度和报告的完整性,微软最多将支付20,000美元。


2.     迪士尼将整合Hulu,其原CEO辞职


美股研究社消息2月3日消息,据外媒消息,美国流媒体视频服务Hulu上周五宣布,兰迪·弗利尔(Randy Freer)将辞去公司CEO一职。其母公司迪士尼计划将Hulu“更紧密地整合”到集团业务运营中。Hulu的高管团队将直接向迪士尼负责消费者直销业务和国际业务的高管进行汇报。


3.     印度又上调手机电动车等大批产品进口税 鼓励本地制造




4.     Oye! Rickshaw完成1000万美元A轮融资 小米参投


基于移动应用程序的电动助力车服务初创公司 Oye! Rickshaw 宣布完成了一笔 1000 万美元的 A 轮融资,根据两位消息人士透露,本轮融资的领投方为 Chiratae Ventures,参投方为 Pawan Munjal 和中国电子产品制造巨头小米,以及此前曾投资过该公司的 Matrix Partners。据悉,该公司在本轮融资交易后的估值已经达到了 3000-3500 万美元。


5.     四大科技巨头都向服务和云计算求发展




6.     三星:即日起临时关闭中国区最大旗舰体验店


三星中国给出的消息称,出于谨慎考虑,并根据健康专家的最新建议,即日起至2月9日,三星旗舰体验店(外滩)将暂停营业。三星旗舰体验店(外滩)位于上海南京东路,是三星在中国的首家也是目前最大的旗舰体验店,该店于2019年10月18日正式开业。三星曾在此召开沟通会推出三星在中国国内市场上的首款中端5G手机三星Galaxy A90 5G。




1.     印度对在电子商务平台上销售的企业征收附加税


In her yearly budget for 2020, Indian finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman has introduced an add-on tax of 1% for sellers that list their products on e-commerce marketplaces such as Flipkart and Amazon.


“In order to widen and deepen the tax net by bringing participants of e-commerce (sellers) within the tax net, it is proposed to insert a new section 194-O in the Act so as to provide for a new levy of TDS at the rate of one percent,” the recent budget document noted.


2.     App Annie:印度人花了55亿小时在TikTok上


Chinese internet giant ByteDance’s flagship short video app TikTok saw an increase of a whopping 500% in time spent by its users in India.


Indians spent 5.5 billion hours on the app in 2019 compared to around 900 million hours in 2018, according to data collated by mobile and data analytics firm App Annie on Android users in India.


3.     天使投资者究竟在东南亚市场寻找什么?


Angel investors are sometimes perceived as a reclusive and mysterious bunch, however, in recent years, many entrepreneurs have come forward to invest as angels in startups, particularly early-stage startups. Organizations such as the Business Angel Network of Southeast Asia (BANSEA) have raised the profile of the angel investor community in Southeast Asia and as such, helped young startups get access to precious capital.


4.     Facebook因传播虚假信息而遭到猛烈抨击


In the latest battle against fake news, BuzzFeed called out Facebook for an ad from conservative organization PragerU containing false information about the wildfires in Australia. The ad has since been removed, but only after a formal fact-checking review was completed.


5.     Twitter更新了如何在找到相关受众、衡量campaign效果的项目


This week, Twitter rolled out a new look for its ‘Flight School‘ education platform. The offering provides free courses in various aspects of Twitter literacy with a larger focus on Twitter ads’ best practices and tips. Among the new elements, Twitter has updated its courses on how to find relevant audiences, measure campaign performance and build out video campaigns on Twitter.









