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Morketing Global 每日监测2.18【在这里读懂全球化】:滴滴3月将在澳大利亚启动共乘服务;谷歌称欧盟26亿美元罚款旨在抓人眼球,请求法院驳回

Nino酱  · 2020-02-17 21:36

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1. 印度教育科技初创公司Vedantu完成2400万美元C轮+融资


印度教育科技初创公司Vedantu宣布完成了一笔2400万美元的C轮+融资,投资方为纪源资本(GGV Capital)和一批此前曾投资过该公司的风投机构。大约六个月之前,Vedantu完成了首笔C轮融资,当时的联合领投方为老虎全球管理基金和Westbridge Capital。


2. 支付宝与非洲银行Ecobank合作跨境汇款




3. 扎克伯格谈在线内容监管:应在已有框架间达成平衡




4. 滴滴出行:3月将在澳大利亚启动共乘服务




5. realme将在2月24日举办新品线上发布会


realme正式宣布,其将于北京时间2月24日17:00,在西班牙马德里举办主题为“Speed of the Future”全球线上新品发布会,带来旗下首款5G旗舰手机——realme 真我X50 Pro 5G。将搭载高通骁龙865 5G移动平台。此外,该5G旗舰手机,还搭载LPDDR5,以及65W SuperDart超级闪充,并全系标配GaN(氮化镓)材质充电器和三星90HZ AMOLED屏幕。


6. Apple Watch去年销量超过瑞士表业


据外媒报道,2019年,苹果智能手表Apple Watch的销量超过了整个瑞士手表行业的销量。市场咨询公司Strategy Analytics最近发表的研究报告显示,去年Apple Watch全球销量为3100万块,而所有瑞士手表品牌的总销量为2100万块。


7. 谷歌称欧盟26亿美元罚款旨在抓人眼球,请求法院驳回






1. 2019财年,Oyo亏损激增至3.35亿美元


Budget-lodging startup Oyo on Monday reported a loss of $335 million on $951 million revenue globally for the financial year ending March 31, 2019, and pledged to cut down on its spending as the India-headquartered firm grows cautious about its aggressive expansion.


The six-year-old startup’s growing revenue, up from $211 million in financial year ending March 31, 2018 (FY18), is in line with the company’s ambitions to be in a clear path to profitability this year, said Abhishek Gupta, Global CFO of OYO Hotels & Homes, in a statement.


2. 中国在移动和数字领域的主导地位深深影响了印度经济


Sometime in 2019, India overtook the US to become the second largest smartphone market in the world, after China. Of the 158 million units shipped (meaning made available in the Indian market), around 114 million, or 72%, were Chinese brands, said Counterpoint Research. Xiaomi led the pack, with Vivo, Realme and Oppo figuring among the top five, according to figures released in January. It’s been an astounding market share grab, considering most of these brands have not been in India for more than a few years.


3. 清洁技术初创企业Carbon Clean筹集了1600万美元的投资


Clean-tech startup Carbon Clean Solutions has raised $16 million in fresh funding from US-based WAVE Equity Partners and Chevron Technology Ventures, and Japan’s Marubeni Corporation, as it shores up capital in a highly competitive and evolving carbon capture industry. The company works with industries to help them reduce their emissions with its biggest installation being in Tuticorin.


4. 亚马逊和Flipkart要求印度政府取消针对第三方卖家的税收


Amazon and Walmart's Flipkart are among online retailers demanding that India scale back a proposed tax on third-party sellers on their platforms, saying the burden of compliance will hurt the fledgling industry, according to documents seen by Reuters.


5. 尼泊尔食品配送平台Foodmandu获得了B轮融资


Foodmandu, a Nepalese food delivery platform, has managed to score an undisclosed amount of funding in a Series B round led by Team Ventures, a private investment fund based in Nepal. Team Ventures will have a 20 per cent stake in the startup, according to the company’s press statement.


Founded by Manohar Adhikari in 2010, Foodmandu delivers food from 500 plus restaurants across three cities of Kathmandu Valley through a pool of 200 riders. Unlike popular food delivery apps such as UberEats and Grab, it also delivers fresh vegetables, beverages and cakes from farmers’ markets, wholesalers and leading hotels to consumers.


6. 香港加密货币初创企业Amber筹集了2800万美元的投资


Amber, Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency firm that offers services such as providing loans, electronic market trading, financial management, OTC trading, and more to all institutional investors, announced a US$28 million in investment from Coinbase, Pantera Capital, Polychain, Paradigm, and Fenbushi Capital.









