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Morketing Global 每日监测2.20【在这里读懂全球化】:Grab与日本三菱日联金融集团结盟,获7亿美元投资;欧盟称将调查美国科技巨头的“海量”小规模并购

Nino酱  · 2020-02-20 00:09

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1. Grab与日本三菱日联金融集团结盟,获7亿美元投资




2. Canalys:去年第四季度全球云基础设施市场规模达到302亿美元




3. 郭明錤:苹果跟踪设备Tags今年夏季发布 年底出货量或达千万级




4. 欧盟称将调查美国科技巨头的“海量”小规模并购




5. 中东物流服务商Aramex公开2019年第四季度和全年财务数据


中东物流服务商 Aramex 近期公开了2019年第四季度(截至到12月31日)和全年的财务数据。2019年总收入为52.46亿迪拉姆(约14.28亿美金),跟2018年相比增长了3%;2019财年净利润为4.974亿迪拉姆(约1.35亿美金),跟2018年相比增长了1%;2019年第四季度收入为14.63亿迪拉姆(约3.98亿美金),跟2018年同期相比增长3%;2019年第四季度净利润为1.525亿迪拉姆(4200万美金),较去年同期下降了1%。


6. Twitter收购初创公司Chroma Labs


2月19日消息,据彭博报道,Twitter将收购Chroma Labs,这是一家由七名员工组成的初创公司,由前Facebook和Instagram员工创立,是编辑照片和视频的软件,以方便用户在社交平台上发布。




1. Facebook支持印度教育初创公司Unacademy


Unacademy,  one of India’s fastest growing education startups, has just received the backing of a major technology giant: Facebook.


The social juggernaut has participated in the four-year-old Indian startup’s Series E financing round, sources familiar with the matter told TechCrunch.


2. 到2023年,印度将拥有超过9.07亿互联网用户,约占总人口的64%


India will have more than 907 million internet users by 2023, accounting for nearly 64% of the population, according to Cisco Annual Internet Report.


The report has highlighted that devices and connections are growing faster (7% CAGR) than the population (1% CAGR) in the country. This trend has been boosting the growth in the average number of devices and connections per household and per capita.


3. 越南IT招聘平台TopDev获得韩国招聘公司SaraminHR的投资


Vietnam-based IT recruiting startup TopDev announced that it has closed a seven-digit deal investment from Korean recruiting company SaraminHR.


Nguyen Huu Binh, TopDev CEO and Founder, said: “With this new funding, we will continue to improve TopDev’s services quality and develop new values for our customers, while still continuing to enhance others goals besides the recruitment functions such as increasing the developers’ supply for the market through training, developing IT career programmes for young people, students, and freshers.”


4. 新加坡金融科技公司Hoolah进入马来西亚


Hoolah, a Singaporean fintech company that allows consumers to pay for three-monthly instalments without any interest or fees, has confirmed entry into Malaysian waters, according to Tech In Asia.


The country marks its first international expansion.


Stuart Thornton, CEO of Hoolah, stated that Malaysia has always been a key market for the company due its proximity to Singapore as well as the rise of e-commerce in the market.


5. 新加坡政府公布2020年预算,对今年科技生态的意义


On Tuesday, the Singapore government announced the budget allocation for the year 2020.


It is committed to set aside S$8.3 billion (US$5.9 billion) over the next three years to help companies, including startups, to transform and grow. There is a great emphasis on collaboration between different players as a means to achieve that, through initiatives such as the GoBusiness platform, the expansion of the SMEs Go Digital programme, and the enhancement of the Market Readiness Assistance.









