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Morketing Global 每日监测2.24【在这里读懂全球化】:中国5G手机销量近全球一半,去年华为占主导;Shopify加入Facebook的加密货币Libra协会

Nino酱  · 2020-02-23 21:22

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1. 报告称中国5G手机销量近全球一半,去年华为占主导


据国外媒体报道,市场研究公司Counterpoint Research发布的一份最新报告显示,去年,中国市场5G手机销量占到全球5G智能手机出货量的近一半,华为以及旗下子品牌荣耀的5G智能手机主导了中国市场的销售,占到中国市场5G手机销量的近四分之三。


2. 电子商务科技公司“Shogun”获1000万美元A轮融资


据外媒消息,美国初创公司Shogun近日获得1000万美元A轮融资,由Initialized Capital领投,VMG Partners和Y Combinator参投。Shogun是一家电子商务科技公司,为品牌提供建设电子商务网站建设服务。


3. 美检察长指控谷歌侵犯隐私:收集学龄儿童数据


北京时间2月21日早间消息,美国新墨西哥州总检察长赫克托·巴尔德拉斯(Hector Balderas)周四对谷歌提起诉讼,指控谷歌从该州的学龄儿童那里收集个人信息,侵犯了他们的隐私权。巴尔德拉斯指控该公司未经儿童父母同意,使用其Gmail、日历和云盘等产品套件来收集13岁以下学生的信息。


4. 零售优化初创公司“Teikametrics”获1500万美元融资


2月21日消息,据外媒报道,近日,零售优化初创公司“Teikametrics”获得了1500万美元融资,此轮融资由Jump Capital领投。Teikametrics成立于2012年,是一家帮助零售商优化在线广告的初创公司,采用SaaS界面建立专有计量经济学和机器学习数据模型,利用算法数据科学和战略电子商务分析的综合力量,帮助零售商应对亚马逊上的广告战。


5. Facebook与索尼因疫情退出游戏开发人员大会




6. 麦肯锡:未来十年5G投资达9000亿美元,高速版5G仅能覆盖25%人口






1. Shopify加入Facebook的加密货币Libra协会


After eBay, Visa, Stripe and other high-profile partners ditched the Facebook -backed cryptocurrency collective, Libra scored a win today with the addition of Shopify. The e-commerce platform will become a member of Libra Association, contributing at least $10 million and operating a node that processes transactions for the Facebook-originated stable coin.


2. 原计划在孟买举办的印度金融科技节因担心冠状病毒而推迟


The government-led mega event, India Fintech Festival, which was scheduled to take place on March 4 and 5 in Mumbai, has been postponed following travel advisories over Covid-19 (coronavirus). Organisers have said that the new dates will be announced soon.


3. Paytm与乘用车公司Ola和Uber建立战略合作伙伴关系,并将向逾10万名司机发放FASTags


Paytm Payments Bank said it has entered into a strategic partnership with ride-hailing companies, Ola and Uber, and will issue FASTags to more than 1 lakh driver-partners.


The company said it has set up over 12 camps at Uber Green zones across all the major cities including Delhi-NCR, Bangalore, Chennai Kerala, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Guwahati, Pune, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, and Chandigarh to encourage the drivers to conveniently purchase and use Paytm FASTags.


4. 欧洲数据保护委员会(EDPB)称 Google以21亿美元收购Fitbit,可能会带来隐私风险


Alphabet Inc-owned Google's $2.1 billion bid for fitness trackers company Fitbit could pose privacy risks, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) warned on Thursday, adding its voice to other critics of the deal.


Google announced the deal in November last year, as it seeks to compete with Apple and Samsung in the crowded market for fitness trackers and smart watches.


5. 谷歌预测,到2025年,印尼的数字经济规模将达到1241亿美元


Google Indonesia predicts the country's digital economy will be worth around Rp1.7 quadrillion or $124.1b by 2025, more than triple the Rp 548.2 trillion it recorded in 2020.


"Right now, Indonesia's digital economy has become the largest in Southeast Asia," Google Indonesia managing director Randy Jusuf said at the "Grow With Google" launch at the National Library in Jakarta on Tuesday.


6. 自我提升和提高生产力的APP开始兴起


Manas Saloi is obsessed with productivity. “I’m always trying to make the most of my time,” says the 28-year-old from Bengaluru over a WhatsApp call, while pacing up and down his room to keep the step count going. A product manager at the tech company Gojek, his work requires him to create a goal-setting framework called OKR or Objectives and Key Results — basically, a list of measurable goals.









