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Morketing Global 每日监测2.26【在这里读懂全球化】:荣耀发布会:智能手机海外出货量2019前三季度同比增长21%;滴滴在日本扩张,将推出外卖配送服务挑战Uber Eats

Nino酱  · 2020-02-25 23:29

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1. 荣耀发布会:智能手机海外出货量2019前三季度同比增长21%




2. 外媒:Grab和Gojek或将合并


据外媒报道,东南亚独角兽Grab和Gojek正在就“潜在的合并机遇”进行谈判。Grab总裁Ming Maa和Gojek首席执行官Andre Soelistyo在本月初进行了最新一轮的会谈。据知情人士透露,在过去的两年间,两家公司的高层会偶尔会面,但在过去的几个月中,对于合并的商讨变得更加正式起来。


3. 滴滴拟4月在日本推出送餐服务


北京时间25日消息,滴滴出行周二表示,其与软银共同出资的DiDi Mobility Japan将从4月开始在日本推出一项食品配送服务。该公司一位代表称:“滴滴于2月25日开始在日本大阪招募食品配送合作伙伴,并计划于4月初在大阪正式推出这项服务,”之后逐步推广到日本全国。


4. 余承东:华为HMS与苹果谷歌三足鼎立,承诺严守隐私




5. Facebook 表示将投资更多的印度初创公司


据ET报道,Facebook 印度总经理 Ajit Mohan 在接受采访时表示,在接下来的几个月内,公司将对更多印度初创企业企业进行投资。据悉,在去年参投了社交电商平台 Meesho 几个月后,Facebook 上周领投了印度教育创业公司 Unacademy 1.1亿美元 E 轮融资。Mohan 表示,未来还会有更多 Facebook 投资印度企业的新闻出现。


6. 乌兹别克斯坦定于今年推出5G商用服务






1. 滴滴在日本扩张,将推出外卖配送服务挑战Uber Eats


China’s largest ride-hailing platform, Didi Chuxing, plans to officially launch a food delivery service in Japan starting from April, the company said in a statement on Tuesday.


Didi told KrASIA that it will first roll out the service in Osaka, adding that it has already began recruiting food delivery couriers in the city.


2. 谷歌警告称,在华为智能手机上侧装应用程序存在安全风险


Google has warned of security risks if Huawei smartphone users try to sideload apps, such as Gmail and YouTube, just as the Chinese tech giant is set to unveil new models.


Huawei Technologies, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment company, is prohibited from using Google apps and services, including Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and the Play Store, under a US government ban that went into effect in May last year.


3. 2020年主导东南亚Adtech的五大趋势


With the growth in influencer marketing and short videos, adtech is set to boom


Technology has disrupted every industry and advertising is still adapting each day to the digital transitions. From Adwords to demographic targetting on social media, adtech is growing in 2020. Here are five predictions on where the industry is headed.


4. 中国CMC资本集团(CMC Capital Group)募集了逾9.5亿美元


Chinese private equity fund CMC Capital Group said it raised over $950 million in its biggest private equity fund to date, bolstering its ability to cut deals in the world’s second-largest economy. CMC Capital Partners III, the firm’s third dollar-denominated fund, surpassed its original target size after securing commitments from global investors, the firm said in a statement on Tuesday. It initially targeted about $800 million, said a media representative of the fund.









