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Morketing Global 每日监测2.28【在这里读懂全球化】:外媒称谷歌希望与华为再次合作:正向白宫申请;谷歌在美投资100亿美元进行扩张,正遭政府垄断调查;Reddit首席执行官:TikT

Nino酱  · 2020-02-27 21:19

【摘要】 在这里读懂全球化



1. 外媒称谷歌希望与华为再次合作:正向白宫申请


来自德语网站Finanzen和西班牙语博客MarketingDirecto等几个不同渠道的报道称,谷歌已要求白宫允许它与华为合作。Finanzen指出,谷歌Google Play产品管理副总裁萨米尔·萨玛特(Sameer Samat)没有提供白宫将何时就这一问题做出决定的信息。这是目前关于这一问题进展的全部消息。


2. 香港在线辅导公司 Snapask 筹集3500万美元发展东南亚业务


据 DealStreetAsia 报道,本轮由新加坡私募股权公司 Asia Partners 和韩国的风投公司 InterVest 领投。截至目前,该公司筹集资金总额已超过5000万美元。交易完成后,Snapask 将继续专注于产品开发,旨在发展东南亚业务,并扩展到包括越南在内的新市场。


3. 印尼金管局OJK停止发放在线借贷企业注册名额






4. Gojek 称此前关于其将与 Grab 进行合并谈判的报道“不准确”


据 Tech in Asia 报道,Gojek 发言人否认了此前关于两家打车软件竞企正在进行合并谈判的报道。该发言人称:“没有任何形式的合并计划,最近有关这种性质的讨论的媒体报道是不准确的。”自 Gojek 的联合创始人兼前首席执行官 Nadiem Makarim 于去年10月离职以来,有关两家公司合并的猜测持续增加。


5. 印度本土手机品牌 Lava International 将从 GEM Global Yield Fund 筹得9000万美元融资


据 ET 报道,该公司称将利用新资金研发新产品,旨在攻陷定价低于150美元的手机市场。自2015年中,印度手机市场格局被中国和韩国选手合围,本土厂商仅占该国3%市场份额。


6. 印度本土短视频平台 Sharechat 宣布收购时装电商平台Elanic


据 Inc42 报道,ShareChat 在昨日宣布已收购了点对点(P2P)电商平台Elanic。此次收购将帮助 ShareChat 开发社交电子商务。凭借每月6000万活跃用户(MAU)的用户基础和超过1亿的应用下载量,ShareChat 已经逐渐攻占了了印度二三线城市的市场。


7. 谷歌在美投资100亿美元进行扩张 正遭政府垄断调查


据国外媒体报道,谷歌公司CEO桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)在本周三发布的一篇博文中表示,该公司今年将会对位于美国各地的数据中心和办公室进行超过100亿美元的投资。谷歌此举正值美国监管机构加大对该公司的审查力度之际。去年9月,美国众议院司法委员会的领导人要求谷歌提供文件,此举引发了针对该公司的反垄断调查担忧。




1. Reddit首席执行官:TikTok“本质上是寄生的”


TikTok  is one of the hottest social media platforms but the CEO of Reddit had some harsh words for the popular app, calling it “fundamentally parasitic” at an event Wednesday.


The comments from Reddit  CEO and co-founder Steve Huffman were some of the more controversial offered up during a panel discussion with former public policy exec Elliot Schrage and former Facebook VP of Product Sam Lessin. During a brief conversation about the feature innovations of TikTok, Huffman pushed back hard on the notion that Silicon Valley startups had something to learn from the app.


2. Uber的竞争对手Wheely计划筹集3000万美元推动全球扩张


Wheely, which pitches itself as a “luxury” alternative to ride-hailing giant Uber, plans to raise at least $30 million to fuel an expansion overseas.


The start-up currently operates across three European markets — London, Paris and Moscow — but founder and CEO Anton Chirkunov said it would seek the extra funding next year to expand into either the U.S. or Asia.


3. 亚马逊将进入印度的食品配送市场


Weeks after Uber exited India’s food delivery market, conceding defeat to local giants Swiggy and Zomato, a new player is gearing up to challenge the heavily-backed duopoly: Amazon.


The e-commerce giant plans to enter the Indian food delivery market in the coming weeks, a person familiar with the matter told TechCrunch. The launch of the service, which would be offered as part of either Amazon’s Prime Now or Amazon Fresh platform, could happen as soon as next month, we are told.


4. Salesforce预计2021财年收入将超过200亿美元


When Keith Block joined Salesforce from Oracle in 2013, the CRM giant was already a successful SaaS vendor on a billion-dollar quarterly revenue cadence. When the co-CEO announced he was stepping down yesterday, the company reported revenue of $4.9 billion for the quarter.


During his tenure, the company’s revenue more than quadrupled, earning an impressive $17.1 billion last year, and, as Block announced at the earnings call, the company he was leaving was forecasting revenue of $21 billion for FY2021.









