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Avazu 石一:移动程序化购买 用户地理位置意味着一切

Rainie  · 2015-07-13 18:48

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Avazu CEO 石一

“移动程序化购买,从某种意义上讲,用户地理位置代表了一切”,近日,Avazu创始人兼CEO石一在接受全球广告技术行业媒体AdMonsters资深编辑Gavin Dunaway采访时表示。



在恰到好处的时间与地点准确地将信息传达给有需求的用户,这是所有广告主在移动端投放广告的理想模式。而用户地理位置定位很好地解决了其中关于“地点”的问题。超地域用户定向(Hyper-Local Targeting)乍一听像是个很庞大的理论体系,落实在移动端的程序化购买上也走了很长一段时间,然而它的实现确实在很大程度上提升了用户的消费体验。

















石一:目前移动私有交易平台比较热门,而且这种热门程度在未来一段时间内还会持续。不过在我看来,它更适用于Ad Network和代理商。从大的趋势来讲,广告主越来越趋向于更为简单的解决方案,因为对他们而言,广告投放的指标和管理并不复杂,而移动私有交易平台需要复杂的管理,不是一般的广告主能玩得转的。







Location Is Everything: Talking Mobile ProgrammaticWith Avazu’s Yi Shi

Location, location,location is not just the mantra of real estate agents anymore. The ability toreach your audience where you want to reach them – and hopefully when they wantto be reached – has long been a top perk for advertising on mobile. Of course,hyper-localized targeting sounds grand in theory, but bringing it to life andscale has been a long slog. This slog has become easier to manage thanks toprogrammatic’s spread throughout the mobile ecosystem.

Localization hasbeen a cornerstone in mobile DSP Avazu’s strategy since it refocused completelyto mobile. And what a proving ground the company has had to develop itsstrategy: the burgeoning smartphone wonderland of the Asia-Pacific region,where hyper-local targeting is a necessity for advertisers both large andsmall.

Recently named oneof the top 5 DSPs in revenue share on mobile exchange Smaato for thesecond quarter in a row, Avazu has its sights on global expansion, openingbranches in Amsterdam, Berlin andLos Angeles. I spoke toAvazu CEO and Founder Yi Shi about how the company will use its APAC upbringingto its advantage in tackling new markets, how technology like beacons istransforming location-based advertising, the potential for mobile web inventoryand much more.

Are there certain insights you’ve learned in the APAC marketthat you think will prove advantageous in markets like North America?

Asian advertisersfrom India and China have spent a lot of money in the past on mobile, when welook at the top 10 most popular apps in the world, more than 30% are comingfrom China. We’ve served all those clients very closely with local operationteams to gain deep insights into their campaign strategies – this I think willindeed help us penetrate new markets.

For example, wefound it extremely valuable to see how a newly launched app could gain over 10million users within the first two weeks of release using our solutions. Thatkind of scale can be only seen in fast evolving emerging markets.

What made Avazu to pivot towards mobile in2012?

Avazu started its performance advertisingbusiness on a global scale in 2009 and in 2012 we saw that the future demand isclearly shifting to mobile. So we moved all our resources into mobile to createa unique advertising platform. We started with opening offices in differentcountries in 2013 to achieve a better level of localization.

What are the key factors driving spend towardmobile programmatic – targeting, pricing? Are smaller advertisers moreinterested in the space than large brands?

So far we have seen a big portion ofadvertisers coming from the performance space (gaming and app downloads) to ourplatform, so for them a comprehensive bundle of efficient campaign managementtools is the key factor driving spend.

However, with the development of new adformats like native ads and location-based ads, we are also seeing significantdemand coming from large brands. We created a self-service platform with 100%transparency and control down to the placement level, which gives large brandsmore confidence in the campaigns they run with us.

One advantage on mobile – so much data and so many targetingparameters! Are there combinations of mobile targeting parameters your clientsfind particularly successful?

We have seen a greatdeal of success with hyperlocal targeting, where advertisers can target usersfrom a certain GPS location circle. For example, a local restaurant couldtarget all users within a 50 meter radius of its restaurant’s GPS location tofind their target audience. Other targeting options are phone device, brand,operation system, app/site, and ISP/carriers, which are particularly useful forperformance advertisers.

What are other ways advertisers take advantage of locationtargeting that have impressed you?

We are seeingcampaigns that combine location-based ads with loyalty programs, offeringrecurring customers targeted vouchers. That’s a great example of leveragingmobile advertising effectiveness from the online world to the offlineworld.

Has Avazu leapt into the world of beacons? How will that spacegrow?

We are currentlylooking into this field and believe it will lure more budgets from retailersand offline world to online. Product-wise, we are integrating it with ourhyperlocal targeting to create a competitive, but user-friendly solution,particularly for advertisers that are not too familiar with mobileadvertising.

Are advertisers interested in mobile private exchanges?

Mobile privateexchange are clearly a hot thing right now and will remain hot in the future –however, it’s more a tool designed for ad networks and agencies in my opinion.Advertisers tend to use simplified solutions, as their ad ops typically are notthat sophisticated in terms platform management. A private exchange is complexto manage.

Non-human traffic has been a huge concern in the US and Europeof late. How does a tech company like you ensure clients inventory bought isbeing seen by humans?

We have a set ofmethodologies to pre-filter non-human traffic, this starts with manual auditsof traffic sources and placements, then combined with blacklists from certifiedthird-party vendors and inhouse data. In addition, we apply machine learningalgorithms to discover irregularities within traffic patterns.

Apps or mobile web – which is the best way to reach consumerscurrently, and why? Will one side be more popular for advertisers in the longterm?

Somewhere between70% to 80% of mobile inventory still comes from apps, and advertisers achievesignificantly larger scale there compared to the mobile web. However, we thinkthat mobile web inventory is under-valued and overlooked by most media agenciesand advertisers. A media buyer could reach the same user on mobile web justlike on an app, just at a lower bid price.

We were exploringthis phenomenon and found out that the IAB mobile creative sizes are stilldominating mobile demand, while mobile web typically work with desktop creativesizes. However, if an advertiser’s website isn’t fully optimized for phones andtablets, mobile web inventory usually won’t work at all, thus diminishingdemand.









