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Morketing  · 2019-03-18 09:56

【摘要】 每日营销资讯








HireInfluence的创始人兼首席执行官Jason Pampell表示:“这么多风格各异的内容创作者带来的消极影响是很难发现真实的个人资料。对于品牌来说仔细挑选意见领袖合作伙伴十分重要,这需要品牌关注那些在自己的领域内拥有真正优势、权威声音和忠实粉丝的意见领袖。”

4.高通苹果专利大战:高通在美首战告捷 获赔3160万美元


苹果发言人Josh Rosenstock表示:“高通公司正在进行的专利侵权诉讼只不过是为了分散人们的注意力——让大家不关注他们在美国联邦法院及全球范围内被调查商业行为等更大的问题。虽然我们对结果感到失望,但我们感谢陪审团在这起案件中的服务。”




康卡斯特(comcast)集团旗下视频广告技术公司FreeWheel当地时间3月13日首次举办了FreeWheel NOWFRONT活动,该公司正着力拓展其买方业务。

该公司CRO Brian Wallach告诉媒体,该活动的重点是新的归因功能,并推出FreeWheel Media。FreeWheel Media正式将其买方业务和第三方广告投放业务整合为一个产品。








小红书正在测试短视频产品hey,可通过App 3秒钟快速发布短视频“打卡”。目前hey提供了“学习打卡、健身打卡、心情打卡、减肥打卡、败家打卡”等场景,用户在贴纸中可以基于LBS的地点打卡,通过场景化的运营鼓励用户使用短视频来打卡日常生活。小红书方面透露,hey仍在测试和迭代,后续将有其他个性化功能上线;目前只在IOS端上线。

10.YouTube 与越南娱乐集团 Yeah1 解约

彭博社讯,Youtube 宣布将从3月31日起停止与越南娱乐集团 Yeah1 的内容托管协议,协议终止或与泰国网站 SpringMe 最近发生的一起频道管理事故有关,Yeah1 拥有 SpringMe 网站近17%的股份。

Yeah1 是越南第一家上市娱乐公司,专注青年人娱乐,目前运营的娱乐频道有 Yeah1TV、Yeah1family、Imovietv 和 SCTV2, 旗下还有包括 Yeah1 Vietnam Co.、Netlink Online Corporation 和 TNT Media Advertising 在内的九个子频道。



12.Chloé 2019春夏广告大片:回溯嬉皮现代主义

近期,Chloé对外发布了2019春夏广告大片。广告片由著名摄影师Steven Meisel掌镜,延续与创意总监Natacha的合作,于纽约拍摄;品牌也将模特们带到了希腊,开启异域风情的梦想之城,聚焦独特女孩的魅力。

13.丝芙兰(SEPHORA)宣布与美妆博主 Olivia Jade结束合作,其母亲涉嫌高校招生丑闻

Sephora is canceling its cosmetics collection with beauty vlogger Olivia Jade Giannulli. The move follows the news earlier this week of the involvement of Giannulli's parents, actress Lori Loughlin and fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, in a massive college admissions bribery scandal.

"After careful review of recent developments, we have made the decision to end the Sephora Collection partnership with Olivia Jade, effective immediately," a Sephora spokeswoman said in a statement.


Tatiana Stadukhina has always worked at large companies, starting out at tobacco giant Philip Morris before moving to Unliever and her current role as AB InBev’s UK and Ireland marketing director.

Each role has provided different challenges and lessons but Stadukhina is adamant the most important factor in ensuring success is getting the right culture fit.

“It’s not just about the products but also the company that you’re joining. Culture is the hardest thing to understand when coming into a [new job] and I would advise figuring out ways to get to know the culture. You can talk about it all you like but until you ingrain yourself in it you can’t understand it [fully].

15.Mark Penn被提名为MDC Partners 的CEO

Embattled holding company MDC Partners has a new owner.

The Stagwell Group, a new-model agency holding company helmed by former Microsoft chief strategy officer and political advisor Mark Penn, said Friday it will invest $100 million to take a 30% minority stake in MDC Partners. Penn will become CEO and sit on MDC’s board.

The news caps a six-month search at MDC for a replacement for former CEO Scott Kauffman, who stepped down in September.

16.埃森哲互动收购荷兰数字商店:风暴数字(Storm Digital)

Accenture Interactive is acquiring digital shop Storm Digital to expand the network's presence in Europe..

Founded in 2006, the agency specializes in data collection, audience analytics, search, social and programmatic advertising services, media planning and buying, content creation, dynamic creative services and digital business services.

The 90-person agency's client roster includes ABN AMRO, Exact, KLM, Rituals and Transavia.

Under the deal, Storm Digital will now operate under the Accenture Interactive banner and the agency’s CEO Viktor van der Wijk will remain in his current role. There are ongoing discussions about real estate, with the agency's Amsterdam and Groningen offices remaining open for now.


Verifications.io -- the firm identified in the breach of over 809 million email marketing records, including personally identifiable information -- appears to have collapsed, although signs exist that someone is still in charge.

The firm’s web site went down following discovery of the breach on February 25 by security researcher Bob Diachenko, but a version of the site is now up under the company name, although it's no clear who put it up.

However, it only provides what appear to be sponsored content links, and the home page says “this domain is for sale.” Clicking through that link reveals that a buyer can have the verifications.io name for $4,988.


Taking the gloves off, Apple just issued a forceful response to Spotify’s assertion that the U.S. tech titan should be investigated by EU antitrust regulators.

Along with taking credit for Spotify’s success, Apple is essentially calling the Swedish streaming giant selfish and ungrateful.

“After using the App Store for years to dramatically grow their business, Spotify seeks to keep all the benefits of the App Store ecosystem -- including the substantial revenue they draw from the App Store’s customers -- without making any contributions to that marketplace,” Apple stated.

That is in reference to Spotify’s objections to the 30% tax Apple tacks onto purchases made on the App Store.  As it stands, app owners have no other choice but to pay the tax, Spotify founder-CEO Daniel Ek said earlier this week.

19.Cinedigm花费6000万美元收购Future Today

The streaming and over-the-top video company Cinedigm has acquired the OTT platform and ad-supported video on demand company Future Today.

The deal values Future Today at $45 million in cash, and $15 million in Cinedigm stock.

The companies say Future Today is profitable, and will be immediately acceptable to Cinedigm’s bottom line, when the deal closes in Q2 of this year.

Cinedigm has 2.4 million monthly active users on its OTT channels, which include Dove Channel, and Docurama. Future Today has more than 5.4 million monthly active users on its channels, which includes fawesome.tv and HappyKids.tv. All together, Future Today has around 700 “channels” of content.

The combination of Cinedigm and Future Today’s channels will make it easier to gain distribution and drive direct ad sales.

20.Adobe CEO表示:很看好营销云业务

Adobe is betting big on Experience Cloud, which houses all of its marketing, analytics and advertising solutions, as a major growth area for its business.

“All the meetings that [we] have, whether it's with CEOs, CMOs or CIOs, they're absolutely reflecting the urgency of digital engagement and an appetite to work with Adobe,” CEO Shantanu Narayen said Thursday during the company’s Q4 and 2018 earnings call.

Adobe’s revenue from Experience Cloud grew 34% year over year to $743 million in Q4, with subscription revenue hitting a record $612 million. New client wins included NBCUniversal, Bass Pro Shops, WebMD and HSBC. Overall Q4 revenue at Adobe clocked in at $2.6 billion.

The Experience Cloud business is operating at north of a $3 billion run rate and is “very clearly a large and growing opportunity for Adobe,” Narayen said. His personal involvement with the unit highlights the opportunity Adobe sees in providing digital marketing and customer experience solutions for enterprise clients.


To centralize or not to centralize?

That is the question holding companies have wrestled with since the advent of programmatic buying a decade ago. While Publicis Media and GroupM have broken up or reassembled their trading desks, others like IPG have kept that expertise at the center.

Enter Omnicom, which said Friday it’s taking the former approach. Effective April 1, 620 specialists will move out of programmatic, search and social agency Resolution Media and data science hub Annalect and into the core agency brands: OMD, PHD and Hearts & Science.

Most of this talent was already working on client accounts at the agencies and will continue to do so closer to the rest of the team, said Scott Hagedorn, CEO of Omnicom Media Group North America.









